

 Zhengzhou is the capital and largest city of Henan Province in the central part of the People's Republic of China.

The city lies on the southern bank of the Yellow River. Zhengzhou is a major hub of China's national transportation network, with railways connecting Zhengzhou to Europe and an international airport.

As of the 2020 Chinese census, the prefecture-level city of Zhengzhou had a population of 12,600,574 inhabitants, whom 10,260,667 lived in its built-up (or metro) area.

Zhengzhou is a major city for scientific research, appearing among the world's top 100 cities as tracked by the Nature Index.



Lezi na juznoj obali Zute Reke. Ima preko 10 miliona stanovnika. Glavni grad je Hanan Provincije. Glavni je centar nacionalne transportne mreze. Zeleznicom I medjunarodnim aerodromom povezan sa Evropom.

Architektura je slicna ostalim velikim gradovima (koje sam video u Kini). Moderan grad, cist, sa dosta zelenila. Sve zgrade su uglavnom soliteri oko 30 spratovaa. U centru vrlo raznovrsnih oblika ali na periferiji su grupacije od po 20-30 solitera izgradjenih po istom projektu sa povremenim varijacijama u visini.

Primetna je velika upotreba bicikla u saobracaju I mopeda na struju. Saobracajne kamere su na svakih stotinak metara.

Deluje sve sredjeno I “pod konac”.

Shaolin Temple and Kung Fu

Shaolin temple is considered as the birthplace and cradle of Kung fu. It is one of the oldest, largest, and most famous styles of kung fu of Chan Buddhism. It combines Chan philosophy and martial arts and was developed in the Shaolin Temple during its 1500-year history.

Shaolin temple was established in 495 AD, among the Song mountains in Henan province. The first monk who preached Buddhism there was the Indian monk named Buddhabhadra , simply called Batuo by the Chinese. There are historical records that Batuo's first Chinese disciples, Huiguang and Sengchou both had exceptional martial skills.

Shaolin hram, manastir i Kung Fu

Shaolin hram se smatra rodinim mestom I kolevkom kung-fu-a, koji je kombinacija borilacke vestine I filozofije.  Ima vise kung-fu koledza gde deca, sem kung-fu-a uce I ostale predmete.

Osnovan je u 5 veku (495) u provinciji Henan, na Song planini, u blizini Hengzhou-a. Prvi budista koji je propovedao budizam, Buddhabhadra (Batuo), dosao je iz Indije. Po istorijskim zapisima, njegovi prvi sledbenici (Huiguang i Sengchou) u Kini bili su poznati kao izuzetno vesti borci i, verovatno su oni zacetnici kung-fu-a.

Pagoda Forest

“The Pagoda Forest” at the Shaolin Temple refers to the main cemetery for Buddhist monks at the Shaolin Temple. It consists of about 250 memorialpagodas” beneath or in which the ashes of the deceased were placed. The pagodas are not real ones, just a pagoda look-like monument.

The Pagoda Forest is located about 250 meters from the monastery grounds. The cemetery has been in use for over 1,200 years, and it continues to be used at a slow rate. Not every monk can be interred there; for the most part, they are recognized in some way.

“Suma pagoda”

“Suma pagoda” se nalazi na 250m od Shaolin hrama. To je ustvari groblje zasluznih monaha Shaolin hrama a grobovi su u obliku pagoda sa 3, 5 ili 7 sprata, u zavisnosti od znacaja monaha tj od velicine dela koje je ucinio tj zbog cega je zasluzan da mu se ovde podigne spomenik.  Pepeo monaha je smesten ispod ili u “pagodi”.

Groblje je u upotrebi zadnjih 1200 godina. Trenutno ima 250 grobova.

Hainan Museum

The Hainan Museum was established in 1984. Since opening, it has received more than 800,000 visitors.

The entire museum area covers 40,000 square metres. The second phase of the project is in planning. It will have an area of 7,000 square meters.

Hainan muzej

Hainan Muzej je osnovan 1984. Od otvaranja je ugostio vise od 800,000 posetilaca.

Ukupna povrsina je 40,000m2 a, u planu je druga faza sa dodatnih 7,000m2.