Vietnam – Hanoi



Hanoi is the capital and second-most populous city of Vietnam.

Hanoi has had various names throughout history. Several older names of Hanoi feature long (dragon), linked to the curved formation of the Red River around the city, which was symbolized as a dragon.



Hanoj je glavni grad Vijetnama I drugi po naseljenosti.

Tkokom istorije, Hanoi je nosio ralzicita imena. U nekoliko starih imena Hanoja, prisutna je rec Long (zmaj), sto je povezano sa krivinom Cvrene reke oko grada, kao simbol zmaja.

Hanoi – Traffic 1


Hanoi is a city of 11 million people and over 6 million scooters and motorcycles.

Traffic in Hanoi is "organized chaos".

The sidewalks are mainly used for parking motorcycles and scooters, as "gardens" of restaurants, exhibition space for shops of fruits and vegetables, meat, household goods, etc.  Pedestrians are forced to use the pavement.

Cars (mostly) stop at red lights. Pedestrians (mostly) cross the pedestrian crossing.

What distinguishes them from other places in the world is that vehicles do not stop at a pedestrian crossing when pedestrians cross the street. It is up to pedestrians to take care that they cross the street at a normal pace or even slower so that motorcycle/scooter/rickshaw drivers, etc., can easily bypass them and avoid an accident.

Hanoj – saobracaj 1


Hanoj je grad od 11 miliona stanovnika I preko 6 miliona skutera I motora.

Saobracaj u Hanoju je “organizovan haos”.

Trotoari uglavnom sluze za parking motora I skutera, kao “baste” restorana, izlozbeni prostor radji I prodjani proctor prodavaca voca I povrca, mesa, kucnih potrebstina itd.  Pesaci su primorani da koriste kolovoz.

Vozila (uglavnom) stanu na crveno. Pesaci (uglavnom) prelaze na pesackom prelazu.

Ono sto ih razlikuje od ostalih mesta u svetu je to sto vozila ne staju kod pesackog prelaza kada pesaci prelaze ulicu. Do pesaka je da vode racuna da ulicu prelaze normalnim korakom ili cak I sporije kako bi ih vozaci motora/skutera/riksi Itd lakse zaobisli I izbegli udes.

Hanoi - Traffic 2

A tram street is a train from the Chinese border to Hanoi. The street is usually quite busy since it is full of restaurant shops. The width of the street is enough for a train to pass through it and for it to remain 10-20m on the side.  I don't know what their rules say about it.

The speed of the train is 50 km/h (one of the similarities with us).

Hanoj - Saobracaj 2

Kroz ulicu u centru (“tram street”) prolazi voz koji ide od kineske granice do Hanoja. Ulica je inace dosta prometna obzirom da je puna radnji i restorana. Sirina ulice je dovoljna da kroz nju prodje voz I da jos ostane 10-20m sa strane.  Ne znam sta kazu njihovi propisi na tu temu.

Inace, brzina voza je 50km/h (jedna os slicnosti sa nama).

Open market


In addition to fruits, vegetables, spices and all possible "trinkets" for household needs, meat, fish, crabs, worms, earthworms, frog legs, etc., are also exhibited.  All this is open and – there are no flies.



Sem voca, povrca, zacina i svih mogucih “drangulija” za kucne potrebe, izlozeno je I meso, riba, rakovi, crvi’, gliste, zablji bataci itd.  Sve je to otvoreno I – nema musica.