Road to Puno
Na putu za Puno
"The Sistine Chapel of South America," one of the most beautiful examples of Andean popular religious art.

Sikstinska kapela Juzne Amerike, jedan od najlepsih primera religiozne umetnosti Anda.
Raqch'I is an Inca archaeological site in Peru located in the Cusco Region, Canchis Province, San Pedro District, near the populated place Raqch'i. It is 3480 meters above sea level and 110 kilometers from the city of Cuzco. It also known as the Temple of Wiracocha, one of its constituents. Both lie along the Vilcanota River.
Raqch'i was a primary control point on a road system that originated in Cusco and expanded as the Inka empire grew. Most of the Inka structures are enclosed by a 4km-long perimeter wall, but just outside it, on the Inka road that entered Raqch'i from Cusco, an enclosure with eight rectangular buildings around a large courtyard was probably a tampu (a lodging house for travellers).

Rakci je arheološko nalazište Inka u Peruu koje se nalazi u regionu Kusko, provinciji Kančis, okrugu San Pedro, u blizini naseljenog mesta Rakči. Nalazi se na 3480 metara nadmorske visine i 110 kilometara od grada Cuzco. Poznat je i kao Hram Viracocha, jedan od njegovih delova. Oba leže duž reke Vilcanota. Rakči je bila primarna kontrolna tačka na putnom sistemu koji je nastao u Kusku i proširio se kako je carstvo Inka raslo. Većina Inka struktura je ograđena 4km dugim perimetralnim zidom, ali odmah izvan njega, na putu Inka koji je ušao u Rakči iz Kuska, ograđeni prostor sa osam pravougaonih zgrada oko velikog dvorišta je verovatno bio tampu (prenoćište za putnike).
La Raya
La Raya is the highest point of the Cusco - Puno route (4 338 m.a.s.l.), this place is the limit between the regions of Cusco and Puno, from this point it is possible to see part of Bomboya snowy that is part of the Andes mountain range, many scholars indicate that between These mountains are born the sacred river of the Incas El Vilcanota, which crosses the entire region of Cusco.
In the Incas time the communication routes were of vital importance, they built roads that united the entire Inca territory, and one of them was the great Inca Trail from Cusco to the Qollasuyo (nowadays the Bolivian Peruvian Highlands), they used this route for the trade of products between these regions as well as for the expansion of their domains by sending armies to conquer new regions of the highlands.

La Raya
La Raia je najviša tačka Cusco - Puno rute (4 338 nadmorske visine). Ovo mesto je granica između regiona Cusco i Puno. Od ove tačke je moguće videti deo snezni Bomboia koji je deo planinskog lanca Anda. Mnogi naučnici ukazuju da između ovih planina izvire sveta reka Inka El Vilcanota, koja prelazi ceo region Cusco.
U vreme Inka komunikacioni putevi su bili od vitalnog značaja. Oni su izgradili puteve koji su ujedinili celu teritoriju Inka, a jedan od njih je bio veliki Inka put od Kuska do Kollasuio (danas Bolivijski Peruanski visoravni). Oni su koristili ovaj put za trgovinu proizvodima između ovih regiona kao i za širenje svojih domena slanjem vojske da osvoje nove regione visoravni.
The Pucará culture was an archaeological culture which developed in Qullaw, along the north-western shore of Lake Titicaca. It was characterized by a hierarchy of smaller centers and villages scattered throughout the northern basin of the Titicaca. The name originates from the town of Pukara, one of the largest settlements in the region.[1] The modern town of Pucará is located half a mile to the east of the archaeological site. The Pukara culture is unrelated to the stone fortresses, pukaras, built across the Andes during the Inca Empire. Its sphere of influence reached as far north as the Cuzco Valley and as far south as Tiahuanaco. The culture had two phases of development within the Formative Period: the Middle Formative (1400 to 550 BC), and Late Formative (550 BC to 400 AD).

Kultura Pucara je arheološka kultura koja se razvila u Kullavu, duž severozapadne obale jezera Titicaca. Karakteriše ga hijerarhija manjih centara i sela razbacanih širom severnog sliva Titicaca. Ime potiče od grada Pukara, jednog od najvećih naselja u regionu. Moderni grad Pucara nalazi se pola milje istočno od arheološkog nalazišta. Kultura Pukara nije povezana sa kamenim tvrđavama, pukaras, izgrađenim širom Anda tokom carstva Inka. Njegova sfera uticaja dostigla je daleko na sever do doline Cuzco i na jugu do Tiahuanaca. Kultura je imala dve faze razvoja u formativnom periodu: srednji formativni (1400 do 550 pne), i kasno formativni (550 pne do 400 AD).