Peru – Lima





Huaca Pucllana

Huaca Pucllana or Huaca Juliana is a great adobe and clay pyramid located in the Miraflores district of central Lima, built from seven staggered platforms. It served as an important ceremonial and administrative centre for the advancement of the Lima Culture, a society which developed in the Peruvian Central Coast between the years of 200 AD and 700 AD.

With the intended purpose of having the elite clergymen express their complete religious power and ability to control the use of all the natural water resources (saltwater and freshwater) of the zone, a Great Pyramid was constructed in the Huaca.

The structure is surrounded by a plaza, or central square, that borders the outer limits, and by a large structured wall dividing it into two separate sections. In one section there were benches and evidence of deep pits where offerings of fish and other marine life took place in order to attain the favour of the gods. The other section is an administrative area. This area contains various small clay structures and huts made of adobe–with some walls still standing–whose function seemed to be to act as the courtyards and patios of the enclosure, which is over 500 meters in length, 100 in width and 22 in height.

Other remains have been uncovered belonging to the Wari Culture (500 – 1000 AD), which was a direct influence on the Lima Culture society towards the ends of its time period. Of particular note are the remains of the  Señor de los Unkus" (The Lord of the Unkus), which belonged to the first tomb within the ceremonial centre to have been discovered completely intact. This tomb holds three separate burial shrouds containing the remains of three adults–two of which have masks–and those of a sacrificed child.

Huaca Pucllana Piramida

Huaca Pucllana ili Huaca Juliana je velika piramida od ćerpiča i gline koja se nalazi u okrugu Miraflores u centralnoj Limi, izgrađena od sedam platformi. Huaca Pucllana je sluzio kao važan ceremonijalni i administrativni centar za unapređenje Lima kulture, društvo koje se razvilo na peruanskoj centralnoj obali između godina 200 AD i 700 AD.

Sa namerom da elitni sveštenici izraze svoju potpunu religioznu moć i sposobnost da kontrolišu korišćenje svih prirodnih vodnih resursa (slane i slatkovodne) zone, Velika piramida je izgrađena u Huaca.

Struktura je okružena trgom, ili centralnim trgom, koji se prostire do spoljnih granica, i velikim strukturiranim zidom koji ga deli na dva odvojena dela. U jednom delu su bile klupe i dokazi o dubokim jamama u kojima su se prinosili ponude riba i drugog morskog života kako bi se postigla naklonost bogova. Drugi deo je administrativno područje. Ovo područje sadrži razne male glinene strukture i kolibe napravljene od ćerpiča - sa zidovima od kojih neki još uvek stoje - čija je funkcija izgledala da deluje kao dvorišta i terase ograđenog prostora, koji je preko 500 metara dužine, 100 u širinu i 22 u visinu.

Otkriveni su i drugi ostaci koji pripadaju kulturi Vari (500 – 1000 AD), koja je imala direktan uticaj na društvo kulture Lime prema kraju svog vremenskog perioda. Posebno se ističu ostaci Señor de los Unkus" (Gospodar Unkusa), koji je pripadao prvoj grobnici u ceremonijalnom centru koja je otkrivena potpuno netaknuta. Ova grobnica sadrži tri odvojena grobna pokrova koji sadrže ostatke tri odrasle osobe - od kojih dve imaju maske - i one žrtvovanog deteta.

Plaza de Armas

The Plaza Mayor de Lima, or Plaza de Armas de Lima, is considered one of the birthplaces of the city of Lima, as well as the core of the city. Located in the Historic Centre of Lima, it is surrounded by the Government Palace, Lima Metropolitan Cathedral, Archbishop's Palace of Lima, the Municipal Palace, and the Palacio de la Unión.

In 1523, King Charles I of Spain mandated the Procedures for the creation of cities in the New World. These procedures indicated that after outlining a city's plan, growth should follow a grid cantered on the square shape of the plaza.

On the day of the foundation of the city, January 18, 1535, the conquistador Francisco Pizarro, conforming to established procedure, designated a location to build the plaza

The 17th-century historian Bernabé Cobo said of the plaza:

It is the finest and most well-formed [plaza] that I have ever seen, even in Spain. It occupies an entire block, with the width of four streets on one side and four streets on the other, and with all four sides it measures more than two thousand feet.

Trg Armas

Plaza Maior de Lima, ili Plaza de Armas de Lima, smatra se jednim od rodnih mesta grada Lime, kao i jezgrom grada. Nalazi se u istorijskom centru Lime, okružen je Vladinom palatom, Metropolitanskom katedralom u Limi, Nadbiskupskom palatom u Limi, Opštinskom palatom i Palacio de la Union.

Godine 1523. španski kralj Čarls I naložio je postupke za stvaranje gradova u Novom svetu. Ove procedure su pokazale da nakon ocrtavanja plana grada, rast treba da prati mrežu koja se nalazi na kvadratnom obliku trga.

Na dan osnivanja grada, 18. januara 1535. godine, konkvistador Francisco Pizarro, u skladu sa utvrđenom procedurom, odredio je lokaciju za izgradnju trga

Istoričar iz 17. veka Bernabe Cobo rekao je o trgu:

To je najlepši i najbolje formiran [trg] koji sam ikada video, čak i u Španiji. Zauzima čitav blok, širine četiri ulice na jednoj i četiri ulice na drugoj, a sa sve četiri strane meri više od dve hiljade stopa..

The Government Palace

The Government Palace also known as the House of Pizarro, is the seat of the executive branch of the Peruvian government, and the official residence of the president of Peru. The palace is a stately government building, occupying the northern side of the Plaza Mayor in Peru's capital city.

The current Government Palace building dates largely from the 1920s. It is representative of the Neo-Plateresque style characteristic of Lima from the 1920s to the 1940s.

Palata Vlade

Vladina palata poznata i kao Pizarrova kuća, sedište je izvršne vlasti peruanske vlade i zvanična rezidencija predsednika Perua. Palata zauzima severnu stranu Plaza Mayor u glavnom gradu Perua.

Sadašnja zgrada Vladine palate datira uglavnom iz 1920-ih. Predstavnik je Neo-Plateresque stila karakterističnog za Limu od 1920-ih do 1940-ih.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral of Lima occupies the east side of the Plaza Mayor of Lima.

The Cathedral of Lima was built on the site of the Inca shrine of the Puma Inti and the palace of the Cuscoan prince Sinchi Puma, a direct descendant of the Inca Sinchi Roca.

When Francisco Pizarro founded Lima, he assigned a plot of land to the church, making Sinchi Puma renounce his assets on paper certified by a notary, so that the occupation of the site chosen for the church would not mean usurpation of ownership.

In 1535, Pizarro laid the first stone and carried, in a public demonstration of faith and humility, the first wood for the construction of the church (first cathedral), which was built under the patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption, finishing the construction in 1538 and inaugurated on 11 March 1540.


Katedrala u Limi zauzima istočnu stranu Plaza Mayor u Limi.

Katedrala u Limi sagrađena je na mestu svetilista Inka Puma Inti i palate kuskoanskog princa Sinchi Pume, direktnog potomka Inka Sinchi Roca.

Kada je Francisco Pizarro osnovao Limu, on je dodelio zemljište crkvi, čineći Sinchi Puma da se odrekne svoje imovine na papiru overenom od strane notara, tako da okupacija lokacije izabrane za crkvu ne bi značila uzurpaciju vlasništva.

Godine 1535., Pizarro je položio prvi kamen i nosio, u javnoj demonstraciji vere i poniznosti, prvo drvo za izgradnju crkve (prva katedrala), koja je sagrađena pod pokroviteljstvom Gospe od Uznesenja. Gradnja je zavrsena 1538. godine i otvorena 11. marta 1540. godine,.

The Archbishop’s Palace

The Archbishop's Palace of Lima, is the residence of the Archbishop of Lima, and the administrative headquarters of the Archdiocese of Lima. It is located on the Plaza Mayor of Lima, in the Historic Centre of Lima.

Located on land that Francisco Pizarro allocated to be the residence of the head priest of Lima after the foundation of the city in 1535, the current building was opened on December 8, 1924, and is considered a prime example of neo-colonial architectural that developed in Lima during the early twentieth century.

Nadbiskupska palata

Nadbiskupska palata u Limi, je rezidencija nadbiskupa Lime, i administrativno sedište Nadbiskupije Lima. Nalazi se na Plaza Mayor Lime, u istorijskom centru Lime.

Smeštena na zemljištu koje je Francisco Pizarro izdvojio da bude rezidencija glavnog sveštenika Lime nakon osnivanja grada 1535. Godine. Sadašnja zgrada je otvorena 8. decembra 1924. godine i smatra se vrhunskim primerom neokolonijalne arhitekture koja se razvila u Limi tokom ranog dvadesetog veka.

The Municipal Palace

The Palacio Municipal de Lima or City Hall of Lima is a public building that serves as headquarters of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, built on 1939.

Gradska kuca

Gradska kuća u Limi služi kao sedište Gradske opštine Lima. Sagrađena je 1939. godine.

The Palace of the Union

The Palacio de la Unión was inaugurated in 1942 and is considered a Monument of National Heritage by the National Institute of Culture and along with the Government Palace, Cathedral of Lima, Archbishop's Palace and the Municipal Palace of Lima forms the Plaza Mayor of Lima.

Palata ujedinjenja

Palacio de la Union je svečano otvorena 1942. godine i smatra se spomenikom nacionalnog nasleđa od strane Nacionalnog instituta za kulturu i zajedno sa Vladinom palatom, Katedralom u Limi, Nadbiskupskom palatom i Opštinskom palatom u Limi formira Plaza Mayor u Limi.