Peru – Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca


Jezero Titikaka


Taquile Island

Taquile is an island on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca 4 km offshore from the city of Puno. About 2,200 people live on the island, which is 5.5 by 1.6 kilometres (3.4 by 1.0 mile) in size (maximum measurements), with an area of 5.72 km2. The highest point of the island is 4,050 metres above sea level and the main village is at 3,950 metres. The inhabitants, known as Taquileños, speak Puno Quechua.

In 2005, "Taquile and Its Textile Art" were honored by being proclaimed "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO.

Ostrvo Taquile

Takuile je ostrvo na peruanskoj strani jezera Titicaca 4 km od obale od grada Puno. Oko 2.200 ljudi živi na ostrvu, koje je veličine 5,5 do 1,6 kilometara (3,4 do 1,0 milje) (maksimalna merenja), sa površinom od 5,72 km2. Najviša tačka ostrva je 4.050 metara nadmorske visine, a glavno selo je na 3.950 metara. Stanovnici, poznati kao Takuilenos, govore puno kečua.

2005. god, "Takuile i njegova tekstilna umetnost" su počastvovani tako što su proglašeni "Remek-delom usmenog i nematerijalnog nasleđa čovečanstva" od strane UNESCO-a.

Chucuito Peninsula

Chucuito is a village in the Chucuito District, Puno Province, Peru. It is 18 kilometres from the city Puno. It sits at 3,875 metres above sea level. The population is 7,913.

The town was important in pre-Inca times and described by Pedro De Cieza De Leon, who was told by the locals that Chucuito was the oldest site in the region and continued to be held as a sacred site by the Inca. The town previously was a major center of power.

Chucuito Poluostrvo

Chucuito je selo u okrugu Chucuito, provinciji Puno, Peru. To je 18 kilometara od grada Puno. Nalazi se na 3.875 metara nadmorske visine. Stanovništvo je 7,913. Grad je bio važan u vremenima pre Inka, a opisao ga je Pedro De Cieza De Leon, kome je lokalno stanovništvo reklo da je Chucuito najstarije mesto u regionu i da su ga Inke i dalje držali kao sveto mesto. Grad je bio glavni centar moći.

Islands of the Uros people

The Uru's islands are located in Lake Titicaca at 3,810m above sea level, and just five kilometers east from the Puno port. Around 2,000 descendants of the Uru were counted in the 1997 census, although only a few hundred still live on and maintain the islands; most have moved to the mainland. The Uru also bury their dead on the mainland in special cemeteries.

The Uru or Uros are an indigenous people of Bolivia and Peru. They live on a still-growing group of about 120 self-fashioned floating islands.

The Uru considered themselves the owners of the lake and water. According to the legend, Uru used to say that they had black blood, because they did not feel the cold. They historically called themselves Lupihaques, "sons of the Sun". Although the Uru language is nearly extinct, the Uru continue to maintain their identity and some old customs.

The purpose of the island settlements was originally defensive: they could be moved if a threat arose. The largest island retains a watchtower.

The Uru use bundles of dried Totora reeds to make reed boats, and to make the islands themselves.

The larger islands house about ten families, while smaller ones, only about thirty meters wide, house only two or three families. Each island lasts about 25 years. After 25 years, water seeps through the reeds and the inhabitants build a new island and let the old one sink to the bottom of the lake.

The islets are made of multiple natural layers harvested in Lake Titicaca. The base is made of large pallets of floating totora roots, which are tied together with ropes and covered in multiple layers of totora reeds. These dense roots that the plants develop and interweave form a natural layer called khili (about one to two meters thick), which are the main flotation and stability devices of the islands. They are anchored with ropes attached to large eucalyptus poles driven into the bottom of the lake.

Once the khili pallets are tied together and anchored, multiple layers of cut reeds are added. The bottom layer of covering reeds rot away fairly quickly, so new reeds are added to the top constantly, about every two weeks to three months depending on weather. This is especially important in the rainy season when the reeds rot much faster.

Ostrva naroda Uros

Ostrva Uru se nalaze u jezeru Titicaca na 3,810m nadmorske visine, i samo pet kilometara istočno od luke Puno. Oko 2.000 potomaka Urua prebrojano je u popisu iz 1997. Godine. Iako samo nekoliko stotina još uvek živi i održava ostrva; većina se preselila na kopno. Uru takođe sahranjuju svoje mrtve na kopnu na posebnim grobljima.

Uru ili Uros su autohtoni narod Bolivije i Perua. Oni žive na još uvek rastućoj grupi od oko 120 plutajućih ostrva.


Uru su sebe smatrali vlasnicima jezera i vode. Prema legendi, Uru su govorili da imaju crnu krv, jer nisu osećali hladnoću. Oni su sebe zvali Lupihaques, "sinovi Sunca". Iako je jezik Uru skoro izumro, Uru i dalje održavaju svoj identitet i neke stare običaje.

Svrha naseljavanja na vodi je prvobitno bila odbrambena: Ostvra mogu biti premstena ako se pojavi pretnja. Najveće ostrvo obicno ima kulu osmatracnicu.

Uru koriste snopove sušene trske totora da naprave čamce od trske i da naprave sama ostrva. Na većim ostrvima se nalazi oko deset porodica, dok manja, široka samo tridesetak metara, naseljavaju samo dve ili tri porodice. Svako ostrvo traje oko 25 godina. Posle 25 godina, voda prodire kroz trsku i stanovnici grade novo ostrvo i puštaju staro da potone na dno jezera.

Ostrvca su napravljena od više prirodnih slojeva biljaka sakupljenih u jezeru Titicaca. Baza je napravljena od velikih paleta plutajućih korena totore, koji su vezani konopcima i prekriveni višestrukim slojevima trske totore. Ovi gusti koreni koje biljke razvijaju i isprepliću formiraju prirodni sloj koji se zove khili (debljine oko jedan do dva metra), koji su glavni uređaji za flotaciju i stabilnost ostrva. Oni su usidreni konopcima pričvršćenim za velike stubove eukaliptusa koji su pobodeni u dno jezera.

Kada su khili palete vezane zajedno i usidrene, dodaje se više slojeva isečene trske. Donji sloj pokrivne trske trune prilično brzo, tako da se nove trske dodaju na vrh, otprilike svake dve nedelje do tri meseca u zavisnosti od vremena. Ovo je posebno važno u kišnoj sezoni kada trska trune mnogo brže.