The Coricancha
The Coricancha (The Golden Temple) was one of the Incan Empire's most sacred and important temples. Its walls were covered with gold and life-size statues of plants and animals were said to be made of pure gold and silver. Sadly, this wealth was stripped out by the Spanish conquistadors.
Most of the temple was destroyed after the 16th-century war with the Spanish conquistadors, as settlers also took it apart to build their own churches and residences. Much of its stonework was used as the foundation for the seventeenth-century Santo Domingo Convent. It was built after the 1650 earthquake destroyed the first Dominican convent.

Koricanca (Zlatni Hram)
Koricanca (Zlatni hram) bio je jedan od najsvetijih i najvažnijih hramova Carstva Inka. Zidovi su bili prekriveni zlatom, a statue biljaka i životinja u prirodnoj veličini su bile napravljene od čistog zlata i srebra. Nažalost, ovo bogatstvo su oduzeli španski konkvistadori.
Većina hrama je uništena nakon rata u 16. veku sa španskim konkvistadorima. Doseljenici su ga takođe rusili da bi izgradili svoje crkve i rezidencije. Veliki deo kamena je korišćen kao temelj za manastir Santo Domingo iz sedamnaestog veka (koji je izgrađen nakon zemljotresa 1650. godine koji je uništio prvi dominikanski manastir).
Cusco Cathedral
The Cathedral of Cusco or Cathedral Basilica of the Virgin of the Assumption is the main temple of the city of Cusco, in Peru and houses the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Cusco. The Cathedral Basilica of Cusco, together with the Triunfo temple make up the Cathedral Complex, it is located in the northeast sector of the current Plaza de Armas of Cusco.
The complex occupies an area of 3,920 square meters and is the most important religious monument in the Historic Center of Cusco.
Since 1972 the temple has been part of the Monumental Zone of Cusco declared as a Historical Monument of Peru. Also, in 1983, being part of the historic centre of the city of Cusco, it is part of the central zone declared by UNESCO as World Heritage Site.

Kusko katedrala
Katedrala u Kusku ili Katedrala Bazilika Bogorodice od Uspenja je glavni hram grada Kuska, u Peruu i u njemu se nalazi sedište nadbiskupije Kusko. Katedralna bazilika u Kusku, zajedno sa hramom Triunfo čine kompleks katedrale. Nalazi se u severoistočnom sektoru sadašnjeg Plaza de Armas u Kusku.
Kompleks zauzima površinu od 3.920 kvadratnih metara i najvažniji je verski spomenik u istorijskom centru Kuska.
Od 1972. godine hram je deo Monumentalne zone Kuska koja je proglašena istorijskim spomenikom Perua. Takođe, 1983. godine, kao deo istorijskog centra grada Kuska, deo je centralne zone koju je UNESCO proglasio Svetskom baštinom.
Tambomachay Archeological Complex
Sacsayhuamán ('fortress of the royal) is a citadel on the northern outskirts of the city of Cusco, Peru, the historic capital of the Inca Empire. The site is at an altitude of 3,701 metres.
The complex was built by the Incas in the 15th century, particularly under Sapa Inca Pachacuti and his successors. Dry stone walls constructed of huge stones were built on the site, with the workers carefully cutting the boulders to fit them together tightly without mortar.
Archaeological studies of surface collections of pottery at Sacsayhuamán indicate that the earliest occupation of the hilltop dates to about 900 CE.

Tambomachay Arheoloski Kompleks
Sacsayhuaman (kraljevska tvrdjava) je tvrđava na severnoj periferiji grada Kusko, Peru, istorijski glavni grad Carstva Inka. Lokacija je na nadmorskoj visini od 3.701 metara.
Kompleks su izgradili Inke u 15. veku, posebno pod Sapa Inca Pachacuti i njegovi naslednici. Zidovi su izgradjeni od ogromnog kamenja, a radnici su pažljivo rezali stijene kako bi ih čvrsto spojili bez maltera.
Arheološke studije površinskih kolekcija keramike u Sasayhuamanu ukazuju na to da najranija okupacija vrha brda datira oko 900. godine.