For me, Amman is one of the nicest cities where I lived and worked. I have only nice memories.
At the time I was there, only 8 Yugoslav companies were present in Jordan including the Embassy, ZPP (representative of Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce), Genex etc. We used to have outings (BBQ) to the Dead Sea or Horse riding Club (shown on some slides).
- Amman is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the World
- numerous excavations have revealed remains from the Middle Bronze Age (2nd mill. BC) and the Iron Age (8th century BC), as well as from Hellenistic (2nd century BC) and late Roman to Arab Islamic Ages.
Za mene, Aman je jedan od najlepsih gradova u kome sam ziveo I radio. Imam samo lepa secanja.
U vreme kada sam bio tamo, bilo je samo 8 firmi iz Jugoslavije, ukljucujuci I ambasadu, ZPP, Genex itd. Cesto smo odlazili na piknik (sa rostiljem) u konjicki klub (prikazan na nekim slajdovima) ili na Mrtvo More.
- Aman je jedan od nastarijih gradova koji su nastanjeni u kontinuitetu
- Brojna iskopavanja su otkrila ostatke is Srednjeg Bronzanog Doba (2. Milenijum pre nove ere), Gvozdenog Doba (8. Veka pre nove ere), Helenistickog perioda 92. Veka pre nove ere), kasnog Rimskog perioda kao I Arapskog Islamskog vremena.
- Recent excavations have uncovered homes and towers believed to have been built during the Stone Age with many references to it in the Bible
- Amman was known in the Old Testament as Rabbath-Ammon, the capital of the Ammonites around 1200 BC
- In Greco-Roman times in the 3rd century BC, the City was renamed Philadelphia (Greek for "The Brotherhood of Love") after the Ptolemaic ruler Philadelphus (283-246 BC)
- The region around Amman was known in the Bible as Ammon or the Ammonite Kingdom (Deuteronomy 2:37, 2 Samuel 10:2), famed for its springs and citadel

- Skorija iskopavanja su otkrila zgrade I kule za koje se veruje da su izgradjeni u vreme kamenog doba. Vise puta se spominju u Bibliji.
- Aman je bio poznat u Starom Zavetu kao Rabbath-Ammon, glavni grad Amonita oko 1200 gpd pre nove ere.
- U Grcko-Rimskom period u 3. Veku pre nove ere, grad je promenio ime u Filadelfija po vladaru Filadelfusu (283-246 pre nove ere)
- Oblast oko Amana je u Bibliji bila poznata kao Ammon ili Amonitska Kraljevina (Deuteronomy 2:37, 2 Samuel 10:2)
The Roman Amphitheatre
- built under Emperor Antonius Pius (138-161 AD),
- set into the side of the mountain down the hill from the Citadel and connected to it via a long and deep hidden tunnel
- Its 33 rows once seated 5000 spectators for performances and possibly also had religious significance.
- It is still in regular use for theatrical and entertainment productions.
- The Forum was built in front of the Theater under Commodus in 189-190 AD

Rimski amfiteatar
- Izgradjen za vreme imperatora Antonia Pia (138-161. god nove ere)
- Lezi u podnozju brda sa sedistima uklesanim u brdo ispod gornjeg grada I tajnim tunelom povezan sa istim
- U 33 reda sedista je nekada moglo da se smesti oko 5000 posmatraca
- Amfiteatar je jos uvek u upotrebi
- Ispred amfiteatra je izgradjen forum pod Komodusom 189-190. God nove ere.
- The city's modern buildings blend in with the remains of ancient civilizations
- Amman was originally built on seven hills, called Jabals (the Arabic word for mountain)

- Sadasnji grad se utapa u ostatke stare civilizacije
- Aman je originalno izgradjen na 7 brda, zvanih Jabals (Arapska rec za planinu)
- Many Jabals once had a circle (roundabouts), and although most of these circles are now replaced by traffic lights, bridges and/or tunnels the junctions are still known as 1st circle, 2nd circle... 8th circle.
- I had my office in the 3rd Circle (in the same level of the building as GENEX Co from Belgrade). The photo is taken from my office.

- Mnoga brda su imala kruzne tokove koji su numerisani I delovi grada su se zvali po broju koji kruzni tok nosi: 1st Circle, 2nd Circle …8th
- Ja sam imao ofis na 3rd Circle (trecem kruznom toku), na istom spratu gde i GENEX. Fotografija je napravljena iz mog ofisa.
- The modern city looks more like some Western World city rather than an Arab city from the Middle East.
- All new buildings are covered with stone, marble or granite.

- Moderni Aman lici vise na grad na Zapadu nego na Blikom Istoku, u Arapskom svetu.
- Sve fasade novih zgrada su (po novim propisima) oblozene kamenom, mermerom ili granitom.