Part 4c. South Jordan – Petra
Petra is one of the most famous destinations in Jordan. I used to go there frequently and always I discovered something new.
- one of the new 7 wonders of the World
- rock-cut Nabataean (ancient Arab) capital
- established in the 6th century BC
- Egyptian, Hellenistic, Assyrian & Roman influence
- reached its peak in the 1st century BC in Hellenistic splendor
- estimated population of 20,000
- center of caravan trade road Middle East – China
- by 3rd century stopped writing in Aramaic and began writing in Greek
- by fourth century converted to Christianity
Deo 4c. Juzni Jordan – Petra
Petra je jedna od najpoznatijih I najinteresantnijih destinacija u Jordanu. Tamo sam odlazio vise puta I uvek sam otkrivao nesto novo,
- Jedno je od 7 (novih) svetskih cuda
- To je praistorijski Nabateanski (praistorijski Arapi) glavni grad isklesan u stenama
- Osnovan je u 6 veku pre nove ere
- Ima uticaja Egipatske, Grcke, Asirijske I Rimske arhitekture
- Procvat je doziveo u 1. Veku pre nove ere
- Imao je oko 20.000 stanovnika
- Centar je karavanskih trgovackih puteva Srednji Istok – Kina
- Sa 3 vekom, promenjeno je pismo; presli su sa Aramaic pisma na Grcko
- Sa 4. Vekom, presli su na hriscanstvo
- Spring of Wadi Musa (Valley of Moses) at Petra is where Moses struck the rock to get water (Numbers 20:10-11). A fresh water spring still emerges from the rocks at the entrance of the modern town
- Aaron, the brother of Moses, the first high priest in the Bible, died in Jordan and was buried at Mount Hor at Petra, now called Jabal Hareun (Mount Aaron in Arabic) (Numbers 20:22-29)

- Izvor Wadi Musa (Mojsijeva Dolina) gde je Mojsije udarcem u stenu stvorio izvor (Knjiga o brojevima 20:10-11). Izvor I danas postoji na ulazu u grad
- Aaron, Mojsijev brat, poznat u Bibliji kao svestenik visokog ranga, preminuo je I sahranjen ovde. To brdo gde je sahranjen, dobilo je ime po Aaron-u (Knjiga o brojevima 20:22-29)
- In Al Siq, there are a few Nabataean tombs carved in the rocks.

- U Al Siq-u ima vise Nabateanskih grobova uklesanih u stene.
The Treasury
- constructed (86-62 BC)
- the most famous monument in Petra
- some scholars believe it was a royal tomb, others, a temple
- according to local legend it conceals a pharaoh’s treasure (the one who was after Moses)

- najpoznatiji objekat u Petri, isklesan je 86-62 god pre nove ere; namena nije tacno utvrdjena. Neki smatraju da je carski mauzolej, drugi da je hram a, veruje se I da je tu bilo uskladisteno blago faraona koji je bio u poteri za Mojsijem
The Theatre
- constructed in the early 1st century AD by Nabataeans
- enlarged and improved by the Romans shortly after their annexation of the Kingdom in 106 AD.
- It can accommodate 3000 people

- izgradjen/isklesan u stenama u 1. Veku od strane Nabateanaca a, dogradili su ga Rimljani posle zauzeca Petre 106 god nove ere. Mogao je da primi 3.000 gledalaca
Royal Tombs
- set into the rock-face of the Jabal Al-Khubtha.
- These tombs of several Nabataean kings are the most impressive of the 500 tombs to be found in Petra
- One of them is Urn Tomb, carved in 70AD, with a massive single chamber which may originally have served as a triclinium for funerary banquets
- Adapted in 446 AD to serve as a Byzantine church, the vaults of which can still be seen below the tombs

Ulica fasada
- Grobnice su mahom kraljevske. Ima oko 500 grobnica ali su najimpresivnije grobnice nekolicine Nabateanskih kraljeva
- Jedan od njih je Urn grobnica, isklesana 70 god nove ere.
- Tu su jos I “svileni” grob, Korintianski, Palata grob (lici na pravu palate).
Sextus Florentinus Tomb
- constructed in 130 AD for Sextus, Roman Governor of the Province of Arabia

Grob Sexusa Floreninusa
- Sexus Florentinus je bio guverner Provincije Arabije
- grob isklesan 130 god nove ere
The museum
- architecturally a very interesting building.

- mali ali interesantan arhitektonski
Aqaba is the only coastal city in Jordan. Situated in southernmost Jordan, Aqaba is the administrative centre of the Aqaba Governorate.
On the other side of the top of the Gulf of Aqaba, there is Ellat, Israel’s city. The Israelis call the gulf as “The Gulf of Ellat.

Akaba je jedini lucki grad I najjuzniji grad Jordana. Administrativni je centar Aqaba governorata.
Akaba je u vrhu Akabskog zaliva na teritoriji Jardana I prakticno se vidi drugi grad, koji je isto u vrhu Akabskog zaliva, Elat, koji je na teritoriji Izraela.
U Izraelu se to zove Elatski Zaliv.