Iraq El Amir
- “Cave of the Prince”, where eleven caves are carved into the cliff face
- palace built by the powerful Tobiad family during the 2nd century BC

Iraq El Amir (Princeva Pecina)
- “Princeva pecina”; 11 pecina su izdubljena u litici
- Palata izgradila familija Tobiad u 2 veku stare ere
Dead Sea
- It is 55 km South-West of Amman
- 400m below sea level, It is the lowest body of water and the lowest point on earth
- As the world's richest source of natural salts, it contains more than 35 different types of minerals that are essential for the health and care of the body and skin including Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Sulfur, and Iodine. They relieve pains caused by arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis, eczema, headache and foot-ache
- The water is so thick that diving is impossible

Mrtvo more
- Nalazi se na 55km jugo-zapadno od Amana
- 400 metara ispod nivoa mora, najniza vodena povrsina na svetu, najniza tacka na svetu i najbogatiji izvor prirodnih soli
- U vodi ima 35 razlicitih minerala vaznih za zdravlje I negu koze ukljucujuci Magnezijum, kalcijum, potassium, jod itd.
- Dobro su poznati po smirivanju bolova kod artritisa, reumatizma, psorijaze, glavobolje i bolova stopala dok neguju i omeksavaju kozu
- Voda je gusta tako da je ronjenje nemoguce