El Azraq
- settlement since the Lower Paleolithic Period
- important site in the Roman period
- fort built 724 AD
- headquarters of Lawrence of Arabia during the Arab Revolt
El Azraq
- Naseljeno jos u Paleolitskom period
- Vazno naselje u Rimskom period
- Utvrdjenje izgradjeno 724. god nove ere
- Poznat kao sediste Lorenca od Arabije u vreme Arapske bune
Qasr Al Hallabat
- Originally Roman,
- Castle was rebuilt during the Umayyad period (8th century AD)
- Castle transformed into a palatial residence
Qasr (zamak) Al Hallabat
- Podigli ga Rimljani
- Obnovljen u vreme Uajada (8. Vek nove ere)
- Transformisan u palatu
Qasr Kharaneh
- one of the best-preserved Umayyad monuments in the Jordanian steppe
- It consists of 61 rooms arranged into 2 levels surrounded by a porticoes around the central courtyard
- There are 2 bedroom units
- It is like a “8th century motel”
Qasr (zamak) Kharaneh
- Jedan od najbolje sacuvanih Umajhadskih spomenika u Jordanskoj stepi
- Ima 61 sobu rasporedjenih u 2 nivoa oko prostranog centralnog dvorista
- Postoje I “dvosobni apartmani”
- To je kao “motel iz 8. Veka nove ere”
Hammam Al-Sarakh
- consists of 3 elements: The Audience Hall, The Bath Complex, and The Hydraulic Structures
Hammam (kupatilo) Al-Sarakh
- Ima tri dela: salu za posetioce, complex kuppatila I hidraulicne strukture
Al Amra
- Bath, similar to Al-Sarakh
- Al Amra, Kharaneh and Mshash, served as resting places for high government officials on their way to Hejaz (or hunting)
Al Amra
- Kupatilo, slicno kao Al-Sarakh
- Al Amra i Kharaneh sluzili su kao mesta za odmor (“moteli”) visokih clanova vladajucih porodica na putu za Hidjaz ili lov
- Built in the mid of 8th century AD
- The most famous of all the Umayyad palaces
- The space is divided into what has been called "The Successive Symmetrical Subdivision into Three
- It was called “The Winter Palace”
- Izgradjena sredinom 8. Veka nove ere
- Najpoznatija od svih Umajadskih palata
- Zvana “zimska palata”
- Prostor podeljen u takozvniu “sukcesivnu simetricnu podelu u 3 dela”