Umm Qais

Um Kais
- Naselje osnovano u 7 veku stare ere
- Pogled na Golansku visoravan I jezero Tiberias
- Biblijsko mesto gde je Isus Hrist izlecio dva coveka koja su bila obuzeta djavolom. Isterao je djavola iz njih. Davo je presao u svinje. (Mathew 8:28-34)
- Vrhunac dostize u 2 veku pod Rimljanima

Azlun zamak
- Izgradio ga na mestu starog manastire, Izz al-Din Usama, Saladinov general u vreme krstaskih ratova 1184
- Kontrolisao put koji je povezivao Damask I Egipat
- 1260 ga zauzeli Mongoli
Jordan Valley
- 120 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide, from Lake Tiberias in the North to The Dead Sea in the South
- the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ.[5]
- Joshua completed Moses' mission by miraculously crossing the Jordan River with his people (Joshua 3:14-17)
- The traditional crossing point has been identified as Bethany, also known in the Bible as Beth-barah, Beth-arabah and Bethany beyond the Jordan (Judges 7:24-25; John 1:28)

Dolina reke Jordan
- 120km dugacko I 15km siroko, prostire se od Tiberjskog jezera na severu do Mrtvog mora na jugu
- Mesto gde je Jovan Krstitelj krstio Isusa Hrista u reci Jordan
- Tu je Betani, mesto gde je Joshua kompletirao Mojsijevu misiju cudesno presavsi reku Jordan sa svojim ljudima (Joshua 3:14-17)
- Betani se vise puta spominje u Bibliji (Judges 7:2425, John 1:28)
- occupied since Paleolithic times, around 100,000 years ago
- First mentioned in the 19th century BC in Egyptian inscriptions
- Roman city of poets
- The University of Sydney and the Jordanian Department of Antiquities have been conducting excavations at Pella since 1979

- Nastanjeno mesto jos od Paleolita, pre 100.000 godina
- Prvi put je spomenuto u Egipatskim spisima u 19 veku stare ere
- Poznat je kao mesto Rimskih pesnika
- Sidnejski univerzitet je poceo sa iskopavanjima 1979 godine
- referred to as the "Pompeii of the Middle East
- one of the most important and best preserved Roman cities in the Near East
- inhabited during the Bronze Age 3200 BC
- After the Roman conquest in 63 BC, became the Roman province of Syria
- The plaza (forum) measures 90 x 80 m and is surrounded by a broad sidewalk and a colonnade of 1st century Ionic columns
- Artemis Temple was dedicated to Artemis and built in 150AD
- Artemis, daughter of Zeus and sister of Apollo, was the patron goddess of Jerash (Gerasa)
- The North Theater was built in 165 AD
- The theater originally had only 14 rows of seats, and was used as a performance stage as well as the city council chamber; the names of the tribes represented in the council are inscribed in Greek on some of the seats, along with those of several gods
- In 235 AD, the theater was doubled in size to its present capacity of 1600
- The North Gate was built in 115AD
- Excavation and restoration of Jerash has been almost continuous since the 1920s.

- Nazivan Pompeima Bliskog Istoka
- Jedan od najvaznijih I najbolje sacuvanih Rimskih gradova na Bliskom Istoku
- Cesto se naziva kao “Pompeji” Bliskog Istoka
- Bio nastanjen u vreme bronzanog doba 3200 god stare ere
- Posto su ga Rimljani zauzeli 63 god stare ere, postje Romanska Provincija Sirije
- Centralni trg (forum) je 90x80m I okruzen je sirokim setalistem I colonadama stubova jonskog stila
- Artemidin hram je izgradjen 150god nove ere
- Artemida, cerka Zevsa I Apolova sestra, bila je boginja zastitnica Djerasa.
- Severni amfiteatar je izgradjen 165god nove ere.
- Originalno je imao samo 14 redova I sluzio je kako za prestave tako I za sednice gradskog veca. Imena plemena koja su bila predstavnici u vecu ugravirana su u sedista na Grckom kao I imena nekolicine bogova.
- 235 god nove ere, broj sedista je dupliran na 1600 sedista.
- Severna kapija je izgradjena 115god nove ere.