This group of slides shows:
- Denpasar (where we landed)
- Seminyak
- Luwak Coffee
- Tonys Villas & Resort (our hotel)
- Barong Dance, traditional dance held in the hotel restaurant
U ovoj grupi slajdova prikazan je
- Denpasar (gde smo sleteli),
- Seminyak,
- Luvak kafa
- Tony’s Villas & Resort (hotel gde smo odseli)
- Barong Dance – predstava odrzana u restoranu hotela
The aim of this group of slides is to show the atmosphere the average tourist meets in Bali: traffic jam with a lot of motorcycles, monuments dedicated to gods everywhere, petrol sold in bottles in shops with sweets, souvenirs etc.

Cilj je bio da se prikaze atmosfera na Baliju sa kojom se prosecan turista srece; saobracanja guzva sa mnostvom mopeda kao jednim od glavnih vidova prevoza, spomenici bogovima na svakom koraku, prodaja benzina u flasama zajedno sa slatkisima, suvenirima I td.

Luwak Coffee
Luwak coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world with a retail price as high as AU$1000 per kilo.
It is cheaper on the farms where it is produced, approximately AU$300 per kilo.
The process is very specific.
Luwak Coffee is the coffee that has been digested by a luwak (Asian palm civet). The “civet” eats the coffee cherries, the cherries go through the digestive track and fermentation occurs, and then they pass through the intestines and are eventually pooped out. The coffee cherries are then picked out from the poop aka poop coffee.
Apparently, as the result of the “natural process” of production, the luwak coffee is less bitter.
I didn’t try it, I couldn’t “digest” the “production process” of the same.
The civet cat is very rare. Animal lovers are against the way the coffee is produced because the cats are kept in small cages and they eat coffee cherries only. In such conditions their life span is shorter.

Luwak kafa
Luwak kafa je, verovatno najskuplja kafa na svetu. Maloprodajna cena bi bila otprilike preko AUD 1000 za 1kg.
Na plantazama na kojima se proizvodi na Baliju je oko AUD 300 za 1kg.
Ja je nisam probao (nisam mogao da “svarim” proces proizvodnje) ali kazu da je vrlo ukusna, izgleda kao sirup i sa ukusom je cokolade.
Proces je vrlo specifican. Naime, delimicno je “prirodan” a delimicno uobicajen za proizvodnju kafe. Kafa je specificna upravo zbog onog “prirodnog” procesa.
Za “prirodan” process obrade koriste civet macku (lokalci zovu “luvak”). Naime, macka jede kafu (odabere najbolje plodove), obavi “proces” I proizvod takvog “procesa” se opere I nastavi se uobicajen process.
Navodno, kao rezultat “prirodnog procesa” kafa je manje gorka.
Civet macke (luvak) su vrlo retke. Ljubitelji zivotinja su protiv ove proizvodnje kafe jer se zivotinje cuvaju u malim kavezima I imaju ogranicenu ishranu tj jedu samo kafu. Zivotni vek zivotinje u takvim uslovima je kraci.
Tony’s Villas & Resort, Seminyak, Bali
It is close to the beach, in the heart of the city (Seminyak) but still, a very peaceful and relaxing place.
Tonys Villas is set in idyllic setting of green trees and beautiful ponds of fish. The setting is serene. I enjoyed waking up with birds singing in the forest-like greenery around bungalows. They start their songs exactly at 5:00am (ideal for “early birds”).
The staff is friendly and helpful. The service is excellent. The food is tasty. It was a very nice experience.
We enjoyed our stay in the villa. One detail attracted my attention: one third of the roof of the large bathroom (approx. 3.5m x 8m) was open so, it was practically “exterior in the interior”.

Tonys Villas & Resort, Seminyak, Bali
Hotel je blizu plaze, u centru sitija a, okurzen zelenilom I izolovan od gradske buke. Vile su okruzene palmama, bazenima sa ribama a jedan od bazena za kupanje je u okviru dela sa vilma. Neke od vila imaju posebne bazene za kupanje.
Atmosfera je vrlo relaksirajuca; puno je zelenila I bazena sa ribama. Ptice pocinju da pevaju tacno u 5 ujutru (idealno za ranoranioce). Osoblje je vrlo prijatno, uvek spremno da pomogne I nenametljivo. Usluga je odlicna I hrana ukusna. To je bilo zaista lepo uskustvo.
Jedan detalj vile mi je privukao posebnu paznju. Jedna trecina krova kupatila, koje je vrlo prostrano, otprilike 3.5m x 8m, je otvorena. To bi bio “eksterijer u enterijeru”.
Barong Dance at Tonys Villas & Resort
Barong Dance is the well-known dance in Bali. It is the story about the fight between good (Barong) and evil (Rangda). At the end, they make their peace and live in harmony.
This dance is the classic example of Balinese way of acting out mythology, resulting in myth and history being blended into one reality.
It was a beautiful evening at Tonys Villas & Resort.

Barong ples, Tonys Villas & Resort
Barong ples dobro poznat tradicionalni ples na Baliju. Predstava je organizovana u prostranom restoranu hotela. (Restoran prakticno ima samo krov. Zidovi, zbog klime, nisu ni portrbni).
Ples predstavlja borbu izmedju dobrog (Barong) I zla (Rangda).
Hotel organizuje skoro svako vece predstave tako da je uzivanje uz dobru hranu, potpuno.