4th Leg: Kabul – Lahore
We left Kabul towards the Pakistani border by bus. The road, even though it goes through a desert, was pretty interesting.
4. etapa: Kabul – Lahor
Iz Kabula za Pakistan smo krenuli autobusom. Put, koji uglavmom vodi kroz pustinju (prakticno od kada smo usli u Iran) je bio vrlo interesantan.
- The bus just stops in the middle of nowhere in time for prayer or
- The bus stops in the middle of a desert without any sign on the roadside, no houses on the horizon, no visible roads, only sand and dust meet the sky, people just leave the bus and head to the desert
- The bus also stops from time to time next to small brooks. A brook is used for drinking water, washing and - toilet

Put prema Pakistanu:
- Autobus se jednostano zaustavi u sred pustinje da bi se putnici molili pored puta, ili
- stane a da pored puta nema nikakve oznake, ljudi izadju I krenu u pustinju – nema ni obrisa kuca, sve je ravno i pustinja se spaja sa nebom
- Autobus cesto stane kod nekog potoka; potok pored puta sluzi kao voda za pice, voda za pranje i – WC.
Khyber Pass & Torkham Border:
- Khyber Pass is a very interesting pass between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is known (nowadays) as a place where Osama Bin Laden was allegedly hiding.
- Torkham Border is one on the most interesting places I have seen; Very busy place with a lot of colourful buses, trucks, people etc

Khyber Pass I Torkham granica:
- Kyber Pas je vrlo interesantan prevoj izmedju Avganistana I Pakistana, deo je poznat po navodnom prebivalistu Osame Bin Ladena
- Torkum granica, pogranicno mesto jedno od najinteresantnijih koje sam video sa mnostvom autobusa I kamiona ukrasenih I iscrtanim raznim bojama. Sve deluje kao vasar.
- We arrived on 4 July
- Founded in the 2nd century
- Until the 10th century the major center of Buddhist learning

- Stizemo 4 jula
- Osnovan u 2. veku
- Do 10. Veka biio centar Budistickog ucenja
Islamabad (Rawalpindi)
- Capital of Pakistan
- Built 1960s to replace Karachi as Pakistan’s capital
- Relics and human skulls have been found dating back to 5000 BC

Islamabad (Rawalpindi)
- Glavni grad (administrativni centar) Pakistana
- Izgradjen sredinom 20. veka da zameni Karaci kao administrativni centar Pakistana
- Ostaci ljudskih kostiju otkriveni u toj oblasti datiraju od 5000 godina pre nove ere
- We reached Lahore on 6 July by train (II class with working fans)
- Second largest city in Pakistan
- Legend says that it is 4000 years old
- It is at least 2000 years old (historically proven)

- Stizemo 6 jula vozom iz Peshawar-a (II klasa sa ventilatorima)
- Drugi po velicini grad u Pakistanu
- Po legendi, star je oko 4000 godina
- Istorijski je potvrdjeno da je bar 2000 godina star
Shalimar Gardens
- Built by Shah Jahan (the same one who built the Taj Mahal), 17th century
- There are 410 fountains

Shalimarovi Vrtovi
- Izgradjneni od strane Shah Jahan, (graditelj Taj Mahala) u 17. veku
- Ima oko 410 fontana
Lahore Fort
- Built in the 16th century

Lahore Tvrdjava
- Izgradjena u 16. veku
Badshahi Mosque
- Built in the 17th century

Badshahi Dzamija
- Izgradjena u 17. Veku