3rd Leg: Tehran – Kabul
On 28 June we continued our trip by bus towards Kabul (Afghanistan). The first stop was Mashhad (Iran), then Herat and Qandahar in Afghanistan.
- Afghani – money
- Afghans – people
3. etapa: Teheran – Kabul
28 juna krecemo autobusom prema Kabulu (Avganisan). Prva stanica Mashhad (Iran), zatim Herat i Qandahar u Avghanistanu.
- Afghani – money
- Afghans – people
Iran-Afghanistan Border
- It caught our attention the Custom official, during lunch break, was working as a beggar?!?!?!
- We were told that the average time at the border due to custom procedure is approx. 10 hours. It seems, we were lucky; We waited for 5 hours only.

Iransko-Avganistanska granica
- Palo nam je oci da sluzbenik carine u pauzi radi kao prosjak ?!?!
- Receno nam je da je moguce cekanje na granici oko 10 sati. Cekali smo oko 5 sati na procedure i uz probleme sa Saletovom frizurom.
- Second largest city of Afghanistan
- Inhabited by Persians (of Eastern Iran)
- Established 6th century BC
- Citadel constructed by Alexander the Great
- Almost all houses are made of mud
- No asphalt on streets
- No lights on streets during night except a few in the main street

- Drugi po velicini grad Avganistana
- Naseljen Persijancima Istocnog Irana
- Osnovan u 6 veku stare ere
- Citadelu izgradio Aleksandar Makedonski
- Pada u oci da su skoro sve kuce od blata
- Nema asfaltiranih ulica
- Nocu nema svetla na ulicama izuzev par u glavnoj ulici
- Third largest city of Afghanistan
- Everything else similar to Herat

- Treci po velicini grad u Avganistanu
- Kuce uglavnom od blata
- Ulice neasfaltirane I prasnjave
- Nema svetla po ulicama
- Capital of Afghanistan
- Established b/w 2000BC and 1500BC
- It gives much better impression than Herat and Qandahar, but, we had also, become used to the Afghanistan atmosphere
- I remember a knife seller who reduced his original price for more than 10x in order to sell knives
- Also, you can smell hashish everywhere. Policeman under the influence of drugs, were offering hashish to Zika and me.

- Glavni grad Avganistana
- Osnovan izmedju 2000 I 1500 god pre nove ere
- Ostavlja bolji utisak od Herata I Qandahara ali smo se vec navikli na ovu kulturu
- Ostao mi je u secanju prodavac nozeva koji je recimo, prilikom cenjkanja, smanjio originalnu cenu nozeva za vise od 10x
- Isto tako, hasis se osceca na svakom koraku; u kafanama se nude hrana sa hasisom a, desilo se da su Ziki I mene drogirani policajci nudili drogom