This trip had more than one meaning for me.
First, it was the end of the trip I started in 1974, as a student of architecture. Now, with a bit more of kilos, and a bit less of hair, using “shortcut” via almost half of Europe, North Africa, Middle East, New Zealand and Australia, I reached my target, Bali.
Second, it marked our 30th wedding anniversary.
And third (it could be the first; too), it was the real “honeymoon”. The one, 30 years ago, I had to travel alone, without my wife, due to “technical issues”.
Actually, it was my first real holiday for more than 30 years. For more than 30 years, I was using my annual leaves in small portions and going back to Serbia, always in a hurry to finish as much as possible in a short period of time. Now, it was finally time to slow down a bit and enjoy.
I thought that I would spend more time on the beach or beside the pool and be a bit bored. It was different. Bali has almost 10,000 temples (I read somewhere), so I had to see at least a few of them.
Ovaj put ima visestruko znacenje za mene.
Kao prvo, ispunjen je cilj puta na koji sam krenuo 1974 “peske” kao student arhitekture. I sada, sa viskom kilograma I manjkom kose, “precicom”, preko skoro pola Evrope, Severne Afrike, Bliskog Istoka, Novog Zelanda I Austrlaije stogoh do Balija.
Drugo, obelezava 30 godina braka.
Trece (a moglo je da bude I prvo), ovo dodje I kao “medeni mesec”. Na onaj, koji je trebalo da bude pre nesto vise od 30 godina, morao sam da putujem bez supruge iz “tehnickih” razloga.
Ovo je u stvari, privi pravi odmor posle vise od 30 godina. Preko 30 godina sam odmore koristio u “restlovima” I povremeno dolazio u “zavicaj” neznajuci sta cu urediti pre. Sada je konacno bilo vreme da malo “podignem rucnu” I uzivam.
Mislio sam da cu vise vremena provoditi na plazi ili pored bazena I da ce mi biti dosadno (cega sam se uzeleo). Bilo je malo drugacije. Bali je pun hramova (kazu da ih ima 10.000). Morao sam bar neke da vidim.
I divided the slide show in 4 groups, 4—9 min each:
Slajedove sam podelio u 4 grupe od po 4-9 minuta.