Delhi, officially the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, is a city and a union territory of India containing New Delhi, the capital of India.
Delhi's urban agglomeration, which includes the satellite cities Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida, Greater Noida and YEIDA city located in an area known as the National Capital Region (NCR), has an estimated population of over 33million, making it the largest metropolitan area in India.
Delhi, zvanično Teritorija nacionalnog glavnog grada (NCT) Delhija, je grad i sindikalna teritorija Indije koja sadrži Nju Delhi, glavni grad Indije.
Urbana aglomeracija Delhija, koja uključuje satelitske gradove Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida, Greater Noida i IEIDA grad koji se nalazi u oblasti poznatoj kao Nacionalni glavni region (NCR), ima procenjenu populaciju od preko 33 miliona, što ga čini najnaseljenijim gradskim područjem u Indiji.
Red Fort
The Red Fort historically served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors. Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned construction of the Red Fort on 12 May 1639, when he decided to shift his capital from Agra to Delhi.
Architect was Ustad Ahmad Lahori, who also constructed the Taj Mahal.
The fort represents a high point in the Mughal architecture under Shah Jahan and combines Persian palace architecture with indigenous Indian traditions.

Red Fort (Crvena Tvrdjava)
Crvena Trvdjava je sluzila kao glavna rezidencija Mogulskih vladara. Vladar Sah Jahan je narucio izgradnju Crvene Tvrdjave 12 maja 1639 god. Kada je odlucio da prebaci prestonicu iz Agre u Delhi.
Arhitekta Ustad Ahmad Lahori (koji je projektovao i Taj Mahal),
Tvrdjava predstavlja najbolji primer Moguslske arhitekture kombinujuci persijsku palatnu arhitekturu sa lokalnom, Indijskom tradicijom.
Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid, is one of the largest mosques in India.
Built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, between 1644 and 1656, and inaugurated by its first Imam, Syed Abdul Ghafoor Shah Bukhari. Situated in the Mughal capital of Shahjahanabad (today Old Delhi).
it served as the imperial mosque of the Mughal emperors until the demise of the empire in 1857.
The Jama Masjid was regarded as a symbolic gesture of Islamic power across India, well into the colonial era.

Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid je jedna od najvecih dzamija u Idniji.
Izgradio ju je Moguslski vladar Shah Jahan izmedju 1644 i 1656 a, inaugurisao ju je prvi imam Syed Abdul Ghafoor Shah Bukhari.
Sluzila je kao carska dzamija Mogulskih vladara do pada imperije 1857.
Jama Masjid je smatrana simbolom islamske moci u Indiji cak i u kolonijalnoj eri.
Chandni Chowk
The Chandni Chowk (Moonlight Square) is one of the oldest and busiest markets in Old Delhi. It was built in 1650 by the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, and designed by his daughter, Jahanara. The market was once divided by canals (now closed) to reflect moonlight. It remains one of India's largest wholesale markets.

Chandni Chowk
Chandni Chowk (Трг Месечина) je jedno od najstarijih i najprometnijih bazara u Starom Delhiju.
Sagradio ga je 1650. godine mogulski car Šah Džahan, a dizajnirala ga je njegova ćerka Jahanara. Tržište je nekada bilo podeljeno kanalima (sada zatvorenim) da bi odražavalo mesečinu.
I dalje je jedno od najvećih veleprodajnih tržišta Indije.
Raj Ghat
Raj Ghat is a memorial complex in Delhi. The first memorial was dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi where a black marble platform was raised to mark the spot of his cremation on 31 January 1948 and consists of an eternal flame at one end.
Later the memorial complex was expanded to include memorials for other prominent Indian leaders including Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Chandra Shekhar and Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Raj Ghat
Raj Ghat je memorijalni kompleks u Delhiju. Prvi spomenik je posvecen Mahatma Gandiju gde je podignuta platforma od crnog mermera da obelezi mesto njegove kremacije 31 januara 1948. Tu se nalazi i vecni plamen.
Kasnije, memorijalni kompleks je prosiren i ukljucuje spomenike drugih prominentnih Indijskih lidera ukljucujuci Nehrua, Sastrija, Indiru Gandi, Radziva Gandija, Candra Sekara i Atal Bihari Vajpajea.
Gurudwara Shri Bangla Sahib ji
A gurdwara, (literally "Door of the Guru") is a place of assembly and worship for Sikhs but its normal meaning is place of guru or "Home of guru". Any congregant (sometimes with specialized training, in which case they are known by the term granthi) may recite, sing, and explain the verses from the Guru Granth Sahib, in the presence of the rest of the congregation.
All gurdwaras have a langar hall, where people can eat free lacto-vegetarian food served by volunteers at the gurdwara. They may also have a medical facility room, library, nursery, classroom, meeting rooms, playground, sports ground, a gift shop, and finally a repair shop. A gurdwara can be identified from a distance by tall flagpoles bearing the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh flag.

Gurudwara Shri Bangla Sahib ji
Gurdvara, ("Vrata Gurua") je mesto okupljanja i obožavanja Sikha, ali njegovo normalno značenje je mesto gurua ili "Dom gurua". Svaki kongregant (ponekad sa specijalizovanom obukom, u kom slučaju su poznati pod terminom granthi) može recitovati, pevati i objašnjavati stihove iz Guru Granth Sahiba, u prisustvu ostalih vernika.
Sve gurdvare imaju langar salu, gde ljudi mogu da jedu besplatnu lakto-vegetarijansku hranu koju služe volonteri. Takođe mogu imati sobu za medicinske usluge, biblioteku, vrtić, učionicu, sale za sastanke, igralište, sportski teren, prodavnicu poklona i na kraju radionicu za popravke. Gurdvara se može identifikovati iz daljine po visokim jarbolima zastave na kojima se nalazi Nišan sahib, zastava Sika.
India Gate
The India Gate (formerly known as All India War Memorial) is a war memorial located on the eastern edge of the "ceremonial axis" of New Delhi.
It stands as a memorial to 74,187 soldiers of the Indian Army who died between 1914 and 1921 in the First World War, in France, Flanders, Mesopotamia, Persia, East Africa, Gallipoli and elsewhere in the Near and the Far East, and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. 13,300 servicemen's names, including some soldiers and officers from the United Kingdom, are inscribed on the gate. Designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, the gate evokes the architectural style of the ancient Roman triumphal arches such as the Arch of Constantine in Rome, and later memorial arches; it is often compared to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and the Gateway of India in Mumbai.

India Gate (Kapija Indije)
Kapija Indije (ranije poznata kao Sveinidjski Ratni Spomenik) je ratni spomenik koji se nalazi na istočnoj ivici „svečane osovine“ Nju Delhija.
Stoji kao spomen na 74.187 vojnika indijske vojske koji su poginuli između 1914. i 1921. u Prvom svetskom ratu, u Francuskoj, Flandriji, Mesopotamiji, Persiji, Istočnoj Africi, Galipolju i drugde na Bliskom i Dalekom istoku, i Trećem Anglo-avganistanskom ratu. Na kapiji je ispisano 13.300 imena vojnika, uključujući i neke vojnike i oficire iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.
Dizajniran od strane Sir Edvina Lutiensa, kapija evocira arhitektonski stil drevnih rimskih trijumfalnih lukova kao što je Konstantinov luk u Rimu, a kasnije i memorijalni lukovi; često se poredi sa Trijumfalnom Kapijom u Parizu i Vratima Indije u Mumbaiju.
Laxminarayan Mandir (Birla Temple)
The Laxminarayan Mandir is a Hindu temple. The presiding god in the temple is Vishnu along with his consort Lakshmi.
The temple was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi ensured that members of all castes would be allowed in the temple.
It was (re)built by Jugal Kishore Birla from 1933 and 1939. There are also small shrines on the sides dedicated to Shiva, Ganesha, Hanuman and Buddha.
It was the first large Hindu temple built in Delhi and is often called Birla Mandir due to being (re)constructed by the Birla family. The temple is spread over 3 hectares (7.5 acres), adorned with many shrines, fountains, and a large garden with Hindu and Nationalistic sculptures, and also houses Geeta Bhawan for discourses. The temple is one of the major attractions of Delhi and attracts thousands of devotees on the festivals of Janmashtami and Diwali.

Laxminarayan Mandir (Birla Hram)
Lakminaraian Mandir je hinduistički hram. Glavni bog u hramu je Višnu zajedno sa svojom suprugom Lakšmi.
Hram je svečano otvorio Mahatma Gandi. Gandi je obezbedio da pripadnici svih kasta imaju pristup hramu.
Tu su i mala svetilišta sa strane posvećena Šivi, Ganeši, Hanumanu i Budi.
Bio je to prvi veliki hinduistički hram izgrađen u Delhiju i često se naziva Birla Mandir jer ga je (re)konstruisala porodica Birla (1933-1939).
Hram se prostire na 3 hektara (7,5 hektara), ukrašen mnogim svetinjama, fontanama i velikom baštom sa hinduističkim i nacionalističkim skulpturama, a takođe se nalazi i Geeta Bhavan za razgovore.
Hram je jedna od glavnih atrakcija Delhija i privlači hiljade poklonika na festivalima Janmashtami i Divali.