Cambodia – Siem Reap I

On the Road to Siem Reap
Village 100km from Phnom Penh on the road to Siem Reap.
Let's see what we're going to have with a beer today. Fried worms, grasshoppers, crickets, scorpions, tarantulas...
Na putu za Siem Reap
Selo 100km of Pnom Pena na putu za Siem Reap
Da vidimo sta cemo danas da grickamo uz pivo? Przene crve, skakavce, zrikavce, skoripine, tarantule....
Siem Reap


 Siem Reap is the second-largest city of Cambodia, as well as the capital and largest city of Siem Reap Province in northwestern Cambodia.

Siem Reap has French-colonial and Chinese-style architecture in the Old French Quarter and around the Old Market. In and around the city there are museums, traditional Apsara dance performances, a Cambodian cultural village, souvenir and handicraft shops, silk farms, rice paddies in the countryside, fishing villages and a bird sanctuary near Tonlé Sap, and a cosmopolitan drinking and dining scene.

Today, Siem Reap has many hotels, resorts, and restaurants, due to its proximity to the Angkor Wat temples, Cambodia's most popular tourist attraction.

Siem Reap


Siem Reap je drugi po veličini grad Kambodže, kao i glavni i najveći grad provincije Siem Reap u severozapadnoj Kambodži.

Siem Reap ima francusko-kolonijalnu i kinesku arhitekturu u Staroj francuskoj četvrti i oko Starog tržišta. U gradu i oko njega nalaze se muzeji, tradicionalne plesne predstave Apsara, kambodžansko kulturno selo, suvenirnice i zanatske radnje, farme svile, pirinčana polja na selu, ribarska sela i utočište za ptice u blizini Tonle Sap-a, kao i kosmopolitska cetvrt za piće i ručavanje.

Danas, Siem Reap ima mnogo hotela, odmarališta i restorana, zbog blizine hramova Angkor Vat, najpopularnije turističke atrakcije Kambodže.

Tonlé Sap Lake


Tonle Sap lit, 'Fresh River' or commonly translated as Great Lake' is a lake in the northwest of Cambodia. Belonging to the Mekong River system, Tonlé Sap is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and one of the most diverse and productive ecosystems in the world. It has been designated as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1997 due to its high biodiversity. In the 21st century, the lake and its surrounding ecosystems are under increasing pressure from deforestation, infrastructure development and climate change.

The floating settlements also contain a church, a school, shops...


Residents change their address 4 times a year. Depending on the season, the lake changes the water level by up to 8 meters, so the floating houses are constantly moving.

Jezero Tonle Sap


Tonie Sap, bukvalno ‘Sveza Reka’ ili obično prevedeno kao Veliko jezero 'je jezero na severozapadu Kambodže. Pripada sistemu reke Mekong, Tonle Sap je najveće slatkovodno jezero u jugoistočnoj Aziji i jedan od najraznovrsnijih i najproduktivnijih ekosistema na svetu. UNESCO ga je 1997. godine odredio kao rezervat biosfere zbog velikog biodiverziteta. U 21. veku, jezero i okolni ekosistemi su pod sve većim pritiskom od krčenja šuma, razvoja infrastrukture i klimatskih promena.


Plutajuca naselja sadrze i crkvu, skolu, prodavnice...


Stanovnici menjaju adresu 4 puta godisnje. Zavisno od sezone, jezero menja nivo vode i do 8 metara tako da se plutajuce kuce stalno sele.