Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh
- The Royal Palace
- Silver Pagoda
- The Independence Monument
- Killing Fields of Choeung Ek
- Tuol Sleng Prison Museum
- Tonie Sap Lake
Siem Reap I
- Siem Reap
- Royal Gardens
- Tonle Sap Lake
Siem Reap II
- Angkor Wat
- La Prohm Temple
- Angkor Thom
It looks like that everything is in order:
- The streets are clean.
- No beggars
- No homeless people
- No drug addicts
- I didn't even see any tattoos on the locals
The currency is the Cambodian riel, although it is possible to pay in USD. I think they prefer the U.S. dollar.
Utisak je da je to sredjena zemlja:
- Ulice su ciste
- Nema prosjaka
- Nema beskucnika
- Nema drogiranih
- A, nisam primetio ni tetovirane lokalce
Platezno sredstvo je Kambodzanski riel mada je moguce placanje u USD. Cak mi se cini da preferiraju USD.
I like the usual Vietnamese and Cambodian food, but to a certain extent. I'm not sure that I could get used to worms, grasshoppers, crickets, scorpions, tarantulas...
Ja volim uobicajenu vijetnamsku i kmabodzansku hranu ali do odredjenih granica. Nisam siguran da bih mogao da se naviknem na crve, skakavce, zrikavce, skorpione, tarantule...
The government of Cambodia is considered a constitutional monarchy, which means that the monarch rules according to a written constitution. The Prime Minister acts as head of government while the Monarch acts as head of state, a symbol of national unity. The government is carried out by a Parliamentary system and three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Kambodže se smatra ustavnom monarhijom, što znači da monarh vlada prema pisanom ustavu. Premijer deluje kao šef vlade, dok monarh deluje kao šef države, simbol nacionalnog jedinstva. Vlast se vrši po parlamentarnom sistemu i tri grane vlasti: izvršna, zakonodavna i sudska.