About Journeys


At this stage, I am posting the slideshows of some of the countries where I was living, working, visiting.

O putovanjima


Ovom prilikom su postavljeni slajdovi nekih od zemalja u kojima sam ziveo, radio, proputovao..

I am preparing the following:

  • Tunisia (including Matmata)
  • Egypt (Cairo, pyramids)
  • Greece (Athens, Thermopylae, Crete, Rhodes, Delphi…)
  • Italy
  • Australia

We are planning the following trips:

  • Islands (Hawaii, Tahiti, Maldives…)
  • North America and Canada
  • South and Central America (Honduras, Guatemala, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti…)

Naturally, it is also going to be posted.

I had the desire to live and work in New York for 5-6 years.  It is not going to happen (even though I had a signed contract from a company from New Jersey but decided at the last minute not to go) but, I believe that I’ll see it, at least.

In Amman (Jordan) I used to go almost every day to a café called “New York, New York”.  On one of the walls in the interior, across two stories was a painting showing Manhattan.  It was beautifully done.  Even, today, sometimes, I imagine having pizza there and enjoying the mural.

U pripremi su sledeci:

  • Tunis (ukljucujuci Matmatu)
  • Egipat (Kairo, piramide)
  • Grcka (Atina, Termopili, Krit, Rodos, Delfi)
  • Italija
  • Australija

Planiramo putovanja na sledece lokacije:

  • Ostrva (Hawai, Tahiti, Maldivi…)
  • Severna Amerika I Kanada
  • Srednja I Juzna Amerika (Gvatemala, Honduras, Barbados, Jamajka, Haiti…)

Normalo, I ovo ce biti “obradjeno” za nas web site.

Imao sam zelju da zivim 5-6 godina u Njujorku.  To mi se sigurno nece ostvariti (mada sam vec imao potpisan ugovor sa firmom iz New Jersey-a i u zadnjem trenutku odustao od puta) ali verujem da cu bar “dobaciti” da ga vidim.

U Amanu (Jordan) sam skoro svaki dan odlazio u kafe “New York, New York”. Na jednom zidu u enterijeru je preko dve etaze bi iscrtan mural sa predstavom Manhattan-a.  Bio je to izvanredan crtez. I danas zamisljam kako jedem picu I uzivam u crtezu.