


Beijing is a nice and huge city with clean streets but with huge air pollution. The population is approximately 23,000,000.  It reminds me of New Belgrade: can you imagine around 20 New Belgrades in one place but with wider boulevards and higher buildings.

In the centre of the city, the architecture is diverse but, in the outskirts, high rise buildings (25-30+ stories) are built in groups of 20-30 with the same design. It is practically the principles applied in all cites I saw in China. I am under the impression that everything is very well organised.

The traffic is pretty heavy. They say that the number of cars is limited to 1 per family. Also, there is a restriction on use; one day the vehicles with license number ending 1 and 7 can’t be used, the next day numbers 2 and 8 are out and so on.

It is the reason that electric scooters are very popular as well as bicycles (for hire). There are thousands parked on the side paths.

Public transport works very well. Buses are almost empty even in mornings and afternoons during rush hours. I noticed that there is always a policeman in a bus. Just by chance? I don’t know.

Cameras with flashes are on approximately 100mm so everybody obeys the traffic regulations.


Beijing je lep I veliki grad sa cistim ulicama ali I velikom zagadjenoscu vazduha. Ima 23,000,000 stanovnika.  Podseca me na Novi Beograd. Zamislite jedno dvadesetak Novih Beograda na jednom mestu sa sirim putevima tj vrlo prostranim bulevarima.

U centru je arhitektura raznovrsnija ali, na periferiji, soliteri su u grupama od po 20-30 radjenih po identicnom projektu sa po 25-30 (I vise) spratova. To je prakticno princip u svim gradovima koje sam tamo video.

Imam utisak da je sve dobro ogranizovano.

Saobracajna guzva je velika. Kazu da je broj automobila ogranicen na jedan po porodici a imaju I restrikciju upotrebe tako da recimo jednog dana ne voze vozia sa registracijama koje se zavrsavaju na 1 I 6. Sledeceg dana sa 2 I 7 I td.

Iz tih razloga puno njih voze elektricne vespe I bicikle (na iznajmljivanje).  Ima ih na hiljade uredno parkiranih po trotoarima.

Javni prevoz radi savrseno. Autobusi su poluprazni, cak I u jutarnjim I popodnevnim satima kada se ljudi vracaju sa posla. Idu kao na traci, na svakih nekoliko sekunci I nema guzve – idu poluprazni. Primetio sam uvek po jednog policajca u autobisima. Slucajnost? Ne znam.

Kamere sa blicevima su na svakih stotinak metara tako da svi postuju propise. (Kazne su verovatno visoke).

Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square is in the center of Beijing. The size is 765 x 282 meters (215,730 m2

The square contains the Monument to the People's Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong (proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China in the square on October 1, 1949).

Tiananmen skver

Tianamnen skver se nalazi u centru Pekinga i velicine je 765 x 282m (215,730m2).

Na skveru su: spomenik narodnim herojima, narodna skupstina, nacionalni muzej, mauzolej Mao Zedong-a.

Na skveru je 1949 proglaseno osnivanje Narodne Republike Kine.

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is a palace complex in the center of the Imperial City of Beijing. It is surrounded by numerous magnificent imperial gardens and temples.

The Forbidden City was constructed from 1406 to 1420 and was the former Chinese imperial palace and winter residence of the Emperor of China from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, between 1420 and 1924. It was the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for over 500 years. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987.

The complex consists of 980 buildings, containing 9,999 rooms and covering 720,000m2... The palace represents the luxury of the residences of the Chinese emperor and the traditional Chinese palatial architecture and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. It is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

Since 2012, the Forbidden City has seen an average of 14 million visitors annually, (more than 19 million visitors in 2019 only).



Zabranjen grad

The Forbidden City (Zabranjeni grad) je complex kraljevskih palata u centru Beijing-a. Okruzen je izuzetnim kraljevskim bastama I hramovima.

Izgradjen je od1406 – 1420. Bio je kraljevska palata I zimska rezidencija imperatora Kine od dinastije Ming do kraja Qig dinastije (1420-1924). Bio je politicki centar Kine vise od 500 goidna.

Proglasen je Svetskom Kulturnom Bastinom 1987.

Komplex sadrzi 980 gradjevina, 9,999 soba I pokriva povrsinu od 720,000m2. Palate predstavljaju luksuz rezidencija kineskih imperatora I tradicionalnu kinesku arhitekturu specificnu za palate. Arhitektura kompleksa je uticala na arhitekuturu tog vremena posebno na arhitekturu istocne Azije. To je najveca i najbolje ocuvana koleckcija objekata drvene konstruckcije na svetu I kao takva je uvrstena je na listu UNESKO.

Od 2012, Zabranjeni grad ima u proseku 14 miliona posetilaca godisnje.  Samo 2019 ih je bilo vise od 19 miliona.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, long 21,196.18km, is a series of fortifications that were built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China as protection against various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were built from as early as the 7th century BC, with selective stretches later joined by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first emperor of China. The best-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644).

The other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation of trade and the control of immigration and emigration.

The defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watchtowers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.

The defensive system of the Great Wall is recognized as one of the most impressive architectural achievements in history.




Kineski zid, dug 21,196.18km, je serija zidova izgradjen na severnim granicama antickih kineskih pokrajina I imperijalne Kine kao zastita od Evro Azijskih stepskih plemena. Nekoliko delova zida je izgradjno jos u 7. veku pre nove ere, Kasnije, u 3. veku pre nove ere, povezao ih je prvi imperator Kine, Qin. Najpoznatiji delovi zida su izgradjeni za vreme Ming dinastije (1368-1644).

Osim odbrane, zid je imao ulougu I kontrolu granice omogucivsi carinjenje robe transportovane “Putem Svile”, kontrolu imigracije I emiracije itd.

Defanzivne karakteristike zida su bile poboljsane izgradnjom osmatracnica, kasarni, strazarnica kao I signalizacionim mogucnostima dimom ili vatrom.

Isto tako, zid je sluzio I kao transportni koridor.

Odbrambeni system kineskog zida je priznat kao jedan od najimpresivnijih arhitektonskih dostignuca u istoriji.


Hutong is a type of narrow street or alley commonly associated with northern Chinese cities, especially Beijing.

In Beijing, hutongs are alleys formed by lines of traditional courtyard residences. Many neighborhoods were formed by joining one courtyard house to another to form a hutong, and then joining one hutong to another. The word hutong is also used to refer to such neighborhoods.

Since the mid-20th century, many Beijing hutongs were demolished to make way for new roads and buildings. More recently, however, many hutongs have been designated as protected, in an attempt to preserve this aspect of Chinese cultural history. Hutongs were first established in the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368) and then expanded in the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties.



Hutong je uska ulica uobicajena za severne gradove u Kini, specijalno za Peking.

U Pekingu, to je tradicionalni nacin stambene gradnje sa pocetkom u 13. veku pa do 20 veka. Oko centralnog dvorista formira se vise kuca za oko desetak porodica. Te grupacije su povezane uskim ulicama. Mnogo starih delova Beijing-a je poruseno da bi se izgradile moderne visespratnice I siroki bulevari. Neki delovi su sacuvani I proglaseni kulturnim nasledjem. U vlasnistvu su drzave I stanovnici ne smeju da menjaju I dogradjuju.

Citav taj deo Pekinga, mene podseca na Skadarliju (Beograd) ili Bas-Carsiju (Sarajevo).