3D Images
3D Images of the Sand Clock and old-fashioned turntable are done for the purpose of the covering pages of the books: “The Sands of Time” and “Nostalgia”.
The images are done in the program ArchiCAD21.
I modeled The Sand Clock and old-fashioned turntable and created flythrough in order to find angle that would suit the purpose best.
I also explored the options of presenting the images in color or as a sketch done in pencil technique.
3D Imidzi
3D imidzi pescanog sata I starog gramofona su radjeni za naslovne strane knjiga “The Sands of Time” I “Nostalgia”.
Imidzi su radjeni u program ArchiCAD21.
Pescani sat I stari gramofon sam modelirao I kreirao klip da bih pronasao ugao koji bi najvise odgovarao nameni.
Isto tako, razmatrao sam opcije u boji I crteza u tehnici olovke.