Sophia’s books


Sophia Z Kovachevich is and has been at different times, a lecturer, a teacher, a lay preacher, a peace activist, a counsellor, a political analyst on Radio, a playwright and a poet.   She is also a member of the Aotearoa Peace Council whose members have helped her immensely during the exhibition she had and in other ways. Currently, she is retired and a full-time writer.  She has used the pseudonym Ashley Smith for one of her books.

She has appeared on tv in NZ and Serbia in connection with her peace activities regarding the uncalled for, unfounded attack on Yugoslavia.  She has also been n newspapers and magazines in NZ and Serbia as well as in Australia for writing and producing a historical play based in Werribee, Australia

She has a Master degree in English Literature and Language; and a Master Degree in English Linguistics.  Sophia Z Kovachevich aka Ashley Smith also has an incomplete PhD degree spanning the disciplines of Literature, Linguistics, Theology and Ecology.  She also has numerous Bachelors’ degrees, Advanced Diplomas, Diplomas and certificates in various subjects like history, ancient civilizations, contemporary religions, political science, Aromatherapy, Proof reading and Editing and so on.

She has lived in various countries in 5 continents. She is widely travelled and has been to at least 50 countries around the world.

Sophia used to speak 8 languages in varying degrees of fluency.

She loves animals and believes justice and fairplay for all irrespective of race, religion, colour or creed and in always fighting for the underdog.


Sophia Z Kovachevich je bila predavac, profesor engleskog, svestenik, borac za mir, savetnik, politicki analiticar na radiju, dramski pisac, pesnik.  Clan je Aotearoa Peace Council (Pokret za Mir Novog Zleanda) ciji clanovi su mnogo pomogli kod organizacije izlozbe (koju je sa muzem organizovala povodom godisnjice NATO bombardovanja) I u mnogim drugim slucajevima.

Sada, kao penzioner, bavi se pisanjem. Koristila je pseudonym Ashley Smith za jednu od njenih knjiga.

Bila je na televiziji na NZ i u Srbiji povodim njenih aktivnosti kao borac za mir a u vezi NATO napada na Jugoslaviju.

Bila je predstavljena I u stampi na Novom Zelandu I u Srbiji. U Australiji je predstavljena kao pisac I producent predstave bazirane na istorijskim cinjenicama vezanih za Werribee, Australija.

Zavrsila je postdiplomske studije iz Engleske literature I jezika, kao i Engleske Lingvistike. Zapocela je doktorat koji povezuje razlicite discipline: literaturu, lingvistiku, teologiju I ekologiju. Ima I vise fakultetskih diploma I sertifikata iz razlicitih oblasti; istorja, anticke civilizacije, savremene religije, politicke nauke, aromaterapija, lektura I editovanje.

Zivela je u vise zemalja na 5 kontinenata. Obisla je skoro citav svet (oko 50 zemalja).

Sluzila se sa 8 jezika.

Voli zivotinje I veruje u pravdu I ferns nezavisno od rase, religije, boje koze I porekla.  Uvek se bori za zastitu slabijih.