The sketches are done for my wife’s books:
“The Sands of Time”, “The Chalice”, “Nostalgia” & “A Book of Plays”.
I used ink and pencil techniques.
The motifs of the sketches were at the specific request of the writer (my wife). Some sketches are done on the basis of the photos (Richard III, Katherine of Aragon, Euripides, Sophocles, Khayyam, Mozart, one-eyed dog Jack, my auto portrait from my youth) and for some, inspiration was internet (as it is unavoidable these days).
Crtezi su radjeni za potrebe knjiga moje supruge:
“The Sands of Time”, “The Chalice”, “Nostalgia” & “A Book of Plays”.
Radjeni su u tehnici pero I tus I olovka.
Motivi na crtezima su izricit zahtev pisca knjiga (moje supruge). Crtezi su radjeni na bazi fotografija (Ricard III, Katarina od Aragona, Euripid, Sofokle, Kajam, Mocart, jednooki pas Dzek, moj autoportret iz mladjih dana) dok sam za neke inspiraciju trazio na (ovih dana nezaobilaznom) internetu.