Puseh Batuan Temple, Sukawati
Hindu Temple, beginning of 11th century.
Dedicated to the trinity of gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Puseh Batuan Temple, Sukawati
Hindu hram, izgradjen pocetkom 11 veka.
Posvecen trojstvu bogova: Brama, Visnu I Siva.
Goa Gajan, Elephant Cave, Bedulu Village
Built as a spiritual place for meditation
Various structures reveal Hindu influences dating back to the 10th century, and some relics feature elements of Buddhism dating even earlier to the 8th century.
Goa Gajan, Elephant Cave, Bedulu Village
Izgradjen kao mesto za meditaciju.
Ima elemenata Budizma iz 8 veka I Hinduizma Ia 10 veka.
Monkey Forest Sanctuary, Ubud
It is the natural habitat of Balinese long tailed Monkey, called Macaque (Macaca fascicularis). There are around 750 monkeys divided in 6 groups.
As we were told, they like playing on visitor’s cars, don’t “visit’ surrounding villages, get along with dogs very well and fight only among themselves (groups).
They are “petty thieves” compared to larger and more aggressive monkeys I met in North India and Nepal. They only steal visitors’ glasses, hats, food etc. Monkeys in Nepal and North India occupy temples and villages and people have to protect windows and balconies with strong wire meshes.
In the Monkey forest there are three 14th century temples.
Monkey Forest Sanctuary, Ubud
Prirodno staniste dugorepih majmuna Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) na Baliju. Ima oko 750 majmuna podeljenih u 7 grupa.
Vole da se igraju na kolima posetilaca, kradu nocare, kape I hranu posetilaca, slazu se sa psima ali se grupe tuku izmedju sebe.
Oni su “sitni lopvi” u poredjenju sa krupnijim I agresivnim rodjacima u Indiji I Nepalu gde okupiraju hramove I sela I gde se ljudi stite pokrivajuci prozore I balkone jakim metalnim mrazama.
U rezervatu ima 3 hrama iz 14 veka.
Tirta Empul, Water Temple, Tampaksiring
Hindu Temple, 10th century.
Tirta Empul means "holy water spring". The spring's water is distributed to various purification pools that Balinese Hindus use for their purification rituals.
The first Indonesian president Soekarno had built his presidential villas just at the West side of the temple.
Tirta Empul, Water Temple, Tampaksiring
Hindu hram iz 10. Veka.
Ime mu znaci hram“izvor svete vode”. Voda se distribuira u bazene koji sluze za ritual “prociscavanja”.
Prvi indonezanski predsednik je izgradio njegovu rezidenciju u neposrednoj blizini hrama.
Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring
11th-century temples and funerary complex
Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring
Kompleks hramova iz 11 veka I groblje.