


Hangzhou is populated by approximately 13 million people.

Hangzhou has been repeatedly rated as the best commercial city in mainland China by Forbes and the Chinese city with the highest growth potential by the Economist Intelligence Unit.



Hangzhou ima otprilike 13 miliona stanovnika.

Forbs ga je proglasio najboljim komercijalnim gradom u Kini i gradom sa najvecom stopom rasta.

West Lake


West Lake is a freshwater lake and the biggest tourist attraction in Hangzhou. There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, natural and artificial islands within the lake.

Zapadno jezero


Zapadno jezero je slatkovodno jezero I najveca atrakcija u Hangzhou. U okviru jezera, nalazi se vise hramova, pagoda, basti kao I prirodnih I vestackih ostrva.


Farm Tea House


In Hangzhou area, there are quite a few green tea plantations. The one that we visited is in Zhejiang. It seems that they have a “special” price for tourists. It is hard to believe that locals would pay for a box of 120 tablets (concretized tea) 1800 yuens (approx. 300 euros) which is enough for one month use.




Kuca farme caja


U Hanzhou okolini ima vise plantaza zelenog caja. Jedna od njih je u Zhejiang-u.  Utisak je da imaju “specijalne” cene za strance. Tesko je zamisliti da lokaci placaju 1800 Juana (oko 300 evra) za kutiju od 120 tableta (koncrentisanog caja) sto je dovoljno za 30 dana upotrebe.