My opinion is that both countries, Australia and China, are heading towards the same goal but from opposite ends: Socialism is one and Capitalism is the other.
In China, it is the socialist market economy with the predominance of public ownership and state-owned enterprises.
Somebody called it a hybrid of Communism and Capitalism. The private sector is getting stronger and there are a lot or rich people. The owner of Ali-Baba is one of the richest people in the world. There are a lot of Chinese rich people buying properties in Australia to such extent that Australian government had to introduce some restrictions in order to protect the housing market.
In Australia, capitalism is the starting point.
Australia has a mixed-market economy that combines elements of both capitalism and socialism. This economic system emphasizes private enterprise, competition, and individual freedom, while also incorporating government intervention to ensure social welfare and economic stability.
Mislim da obe zemlje, Australija I Kina idu ka istom cilju al isa razlicitih strana;
Kina krece od socijalizma. U Kini, to je socijalisticka trzisna ekonomija sa firmama uglavnom u drzavnom vlasnistvu.
Po nekima to bi bio hybrid tj mesavina komunizma I kapitalizma. Privatni sektor se sve vise razvija tako da Ima mnogo botatasa. Vlasnik “Ali Babe” (kineska verzija ebuy-a) je jedan od najbogatijih ljudi na svetu. Ima mnogo botagasa koji kupuju nekretnine u Australiji. Zbog njih je Australijska vlada uvela neke restrikcije kako bi ih obuzdali.
Australija krece od kapitalizma ali, I to je neka vrsta mesavine trzisne ekonomije tj kombinacija kapitalizma I socijalizma.
Akcenat je na privatnom sektoru, konkurenciji I individualnoj slobodi dok drzava uvodi mere socijalne zastite.
Human Rights
I think that the main difference between Western and Chinese “democracy and human rights” is in one word” OBLIGATIONS.
While the West insists on “human rights”, China insists on OBLIGATIONS; primarily obligations towards LAW and – FAMILY.
Who insists in Australia on “human rights”: mostly non-working people and criminals. It has gone too far:
Thieves in supermarkets have more “human rights” to steal than security to protect the property.
The criminal who enters your house at midnight through a window or breaks a door, has more “human rights” than you while protecting your family and property; you have to be aware of “inappropriate force”. A criminal doesn’t have such obligation.
Ljudska prava
Imam utisak da je osnovna razlika izmedju zapadne “demokratije I ljudskih prava” I istocne “demokratije I ljudskih prava” u jednoj reci: obaveze.
Dok zapad insistira na “ljudskim pravima” istok insistira na OBAVEZAMA”. Prvenstvena obaveza je POSTOVANJE ZAKONA I PORODICE.
U Australiji, cini se da vise potenciraju “ljudska prava” neradnici I kriminalci. A za obaveze, ko te pita? Nek misli drugi.
Cini se da se sa “ljudskim pravima’ otislo predaleko:
Lopov u samoposluzi ima vise “ljudskih prava” da krade nego li obezbedjenje samoposluge da odbrani imovinu.
Lopov koji ti u toku noci upadne u kucu, ima vise “ljudskih prava” nego ti koji treba da odbranis porodicu I imovinu: ti moras da vodis racuna o upotrebi eventualne “prokomerene sile”, lopov nema tu obavezu.
There is no crime in China (according to our guide). He told us that we don’t have to be afraid that somebody will rob us. It is proved to be true.
One of ours companions lost his mobile on a train. He reported the case in the evening, the next morning the mobile was at the hotel. It was a nice surprise.
In Australia, crime is at a high level. More than half of the news, every day, is devoted to crime, mafia activities, killings, big fires and arsonists etc.
Youth crime is disturbing; youth groups for months are attacking people of Melbourne on a streets, in their homes, robbing, torturing and even killing them, stealing money, cars etc.
Since the members of a gangs are young, 12-15y, most of the time they are unpunished for a crime.
Criminals practically have more rights than law abiding citizens.
Kazu da u Kini kriminala nema. Vodic nas je ubedjivao da ne moramo da se plasimo da ce nas neko pokrasti.
Jedan od saputnika je izgubio mobilni telefon u brzom vozu. Uvece je prijavio da je telefon izgubio, do jutra, mobilni je pronadjen I dopremljen u hotel.
U Australiji, criminal je na vrlo visokom nivou. Vise od polovine udarnih vesti su izvestaji o ubistvima, podmetnutim pozarima, podzemlju I sli.
Maloletnicki kriminal je posebno izrazen: Bande maloletnika su mesecima maltretirale gradjane Melburna. Obijali su stanove I kuce cak I kada su vlasnici bili unutra, mucili ljude, otimali novac, dragocenosti I kola a, bilo je I slucajeva ubistava.
Obzirom na godine, zakon ih stiti od zatvora I visokih kazni tako da kriminalci prakticno imaju vise prava od ostecenih.
Drug use
Drug use in China is illegal. The drug problem can’t disappear overnight, but thanks to extensive drug prevention education and the "Care for Drug Users" campaign, the scale of drug abuse has continued to decrease. Due to rigorous control in entering the country as well as travelling through the country, it is very difficult importing drugs and distribute them. Also, I believe, the law is tough.
In Australia, drug is also illegal, but… (we, in Australia have a lot of “buts” when law and regulations are concerned).
It is estimated that more than 2,600,000 Australians have an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Drug is approachable. Drug users are all over the place. They are mostly seen in central city areas where they beg for money in order to buy drugs.
The Government is opening “drug rooms” around the Melbourne city (but I believe it is in other cities, too) so, children (and adults too) can inject drug in a safe environment. It is happening in residential areas and close to school and business. People protest, of course, but it seems, drug users have more “human rights” than others.
An Australian woman, drug dealer, caught in Bali with drugs (apparently, she “didn’t notice that somebody, by chance, put in her hand luggage 6kg of drug”) just avoided the death penalty. All (the Australian) nation was worried; government (with my, taxpayer’s money) even paid for lawyers (and who knows what else). When she was finally released from prison in Bali, she was welcomed to Australia like a star. (I heard, she is writing a book about the case and, I would not be surprised if a movie is going to follow)
The question is; what is the message that Australian government is sending to children?
U kini drogiranja – nema. Bar tako kazu. To je tesko poverovati ali izgleda da se droga ne javlja kao ozbiljan problem. Ako se uzme u obzir kontrola koju sprovode na svakom koraku, ne vidim kako bi droga mogla da se unese u zemlju a sigurno da bi bilo jos teze da se distribuira. Kazne su, verujem, visoke.
U Australiji, droga je zvanicno zabranjena ali…
Procena je da vise od 2,600,000 Australijanaca ima zavisnost od droge ili alkohola.
Droga je lako dostupna. Drogiranih ima na sve strane. Uglavnom su u centru gde prose da bi kupili drogu.
Otvaraju se ambulante po Melburnu (a verujem I u drugim gradovima) gde narkomani mogu da se spricaju u higijenskim uslvoma. Cesto je to u blizini skola. Ljudi se bune ali, narkomani izgleda imaju vise prava.
Australijanka, diler droge, uhvacena na aerodromu na Baliju sa drogom (“nije primetila da je neko slucajno ubacio 6kg droge u njen rucni prtljag”), jedva je izbegla smrtnu kaznu. Cela nacija se digla na noge da joj pomogne (drzava je cujem platila advocate I ko zna sta jos). Po izlasku iz zatvora, u Australiji je postala zvezda. Cujem da je pise knjigu o njenom slucaju I ne bih bio iznenadjen da se po tome snimi film.
Cesto se pitam, kakvu to poruku drzava salje, pogotovu, deci?
There is no homeless people in China. They are the obligation of their families. If there is no family, then the village they come from is responsible. Police will assure that it is going to happen.
In Australia 122,494 people are experiencing homelessness (ABS Census 2021). They are mostly in central city areas, on a path in front of shops, stations and parks. Government offers some temporary accommodation but, they were not happy; they didn’t like the location. It was a bit far from “the working place” (where they beg). Police is, in most cases, unable to do anything due to “human rights”.
U Kini beskucnika nema. Predaju se porodici, rodbini ili selu na brigu.
Procena je da u Australiji ima oko 125,000 beskucnika.
Uglavnom su na trotoarima I parkovima I to u samom centru. Drzava im obezbedjuje nuzan smestaj ali oni nisu zadovoljni: ne odgovara im da zive na periferiji. Imaju ljudsko parvo da zive blizu “radnog mesta” tj mesta gde prose. Policija je tu nemocna.
In China, in 2 days and in 6 cities, I saw only 2 beggars. Everybody can work, at least, to clean streets.
In Australia, even though it is a criminal offence, there are a lot of them. They are not keen to work since they get money from social welfare. So, the government, practically, stimulates people not to work.
(While mentioning people avoiding work, something else: the people who never worked and/or don’t have saved money, get full pension when they reach pension age. The others, who have savings or want to work even in pension age, either don’t get anything from the government or get reduced pension. So, who is awarded?
What is the message to people?
U Kini sam za 2 nedelje video 2 prosjaka; jednog u Pekingu a drugog u Sudzou. Verovatno su trenutno promakli policiji (koju uopste nisam primetio). Svi mogu da rade, ako nista drugo, da ciste ulice za minimalnu platu.
U Australji, iako je prosenje ilegalno, ih ima na “tone” i, to normalno uglavnom u centru I pored trznih centara. Socijalna pomoc je veca od najnizih plata pa im se ne isplati da rade. Prakticno, izgleda da drzava stimulise nerad.
(Kad smo kod nerada, oni koji nikada nisu radili niti stedeli, bolje prolaze kada dodju u vreme za penziju: Dodeljuje im se penzija (socijalna pomoc) u punom iznosu. Oni koji su citav zivot radili I stedeli, ili ne dobijaju nista ili im se ta penzija znatno umanjuje u zavisnosti koliko su uspeli da ustede. Pitam se: Kakava je ovo poruka?)
In two weeks in China, I noticed only one young man with tattoos. The explanation of our guide is that having tattoos is considered like being – uncultured.
In Australia (and New Zealand) tattoos are a part of tradition and have some meaning.
But, it seems to me that 99% of tattooed people don’t have any connection with tradition. Most of them are tattooed all over the body. Melbourne, especially during summer (when it is more noticeable) becomes a stage of “walking magazines”.
Tokom dve nedelje boravka u Kini, primetio sam samo jednog mladica sa tetovazama. Objasnjenje vodica je da se ljudi uglavnom ne tetoviraju jer se to smatra - nekulturnim.
U Australiji (I na Novom Zelandu), tetovaze su deo tradicije. Tetovaze, pogotovu na licu imaju odredjeno znacenje.
Medjutim, mislim da 99% tetoviranih nema veze sa tom tradicijom. Vecina je istetovirana po celom telu. Melburn (pogotovu leti) je pozornica “setajucih slikovnica”.
Graffiti vandalism
I didn’t notice any graffiti in Chine.
In Melbourne, it is everywhere; buildings, public transport etx.
The removal and prevention of graffiti vandalism is very costly to the community. Tens of millions of tax payer dollars are being spent annually on cleaning up graffiti and repairing the damage that it causes.
U Kini nisam prometio ni jedan grafit.
U Melburnu, ima ih svugde; na zgradama, nadvoznjacima, zeleznickim stanicama, vozovima (a enterijer vozova I tramvaja je cesto iscrtan I ostecen). Milioni dolara se trose godisnje na brisanje grafita i saniranje stete.
LGBT population
LGBT population is not outlawed in China. It is speculated that some of emperors were homosexuals. Same-sex couples are currently unable to marry or adopt. In general, what are you doing between your 4 walls is your business, don’t advertise, no reason for “pride”.
In Australia, LGBT population is more “equal” than us. It seems, they have a special status in a society. I heard that they are even better paid (apparently, some companies are happy to employ them and offer better salary, so they can show that they are “in line” with (current) government.
Also, many schools are introducing books that advertise same sex families, request from students to come to school on certain days cross-dressed. Parents are threatened that they will pay a fine if they don’t obey school orders.
There is a campaign for grammar to be changed; no more “she” and “he” but only “they”. It is already seen in many articles, official forms and letters.
Terms like “boys” and “girls” become politically incorrect.
“Pride parades” are very popular. Most politicians support them to get their votes. Many companies financially support them and state the fact on their websites.
It is not the rare case that they have a bonus for clothes. In hospitals, they don’t have to be dressed in uniforms. They can have multicolored clothes and sometimes a kind of badge to additionally emphasize their sexual orientation.
Almost every day, I ask myself: How to explain to children why these “rainbow warriors” are proud?
What would happen if all children, under the influence of such propaganda, wish to be “proud”?
LGBT populacija
Zvanicno, LGBT populacija u Kini nije zabranjena. Pretpostavlja se cak da su neki od imperatora bili homosekcualci. Nisu dozvoljeni istopolni brakovi niti mogu da usvajaju decu. Sve u svmu, deluje da je u smislu: Sta radis u tvoja 4 zida je tvoja stvar, niko te ne dira ali ne “talasaj”, ne reklamiraj. Znaci, nema isticanja “ponosa”. Tu se prica o LGBT – zavrsava.
U Australiji, LGBT populacija je “ravnopravnija” je od nas. Cini se kao da imaju I poseban status u drustvu. Cujem da su cak I bolje placeni (navodno ih firme rado zaposljavaju da bi pokazali da su “na liniji”).
Cujem da skole, sem uvodjenja udzbenika gde se popularise istopolna zajendnica, zahtevaju od ucenika da se u odredjene dane decaci oblace kao devojcise a devojcice kao decaci (zaprecene su kazne roditeljima ako se ovo ne postuje).
Ide se I na to da se iz jezika izbace iz upotrebe muski I zenski rod vec da se svi oslovljavaju sa “oni” tj neodredjeno. Kao, “deca jos nisu svesna svoje seksualnosti”. Izrazi kao “decaci’ I “devojcice’ postaju “politicki nekorektni”.
“Parade ponosa” su vrlo popularne I svi se utrkuju ko ce vise da ih reklamira I pomogne.
Neke firme, izmedju ostalog, prilikom opisa delatnosti, isticu da podrzavaju LGBT zajenicu. Nije retkost da pripadnici LGBT populacije imaju poseban dodatak za odecu. U bolnicama ne moraju da nose obaveznu uniformu. Mogu da nose sarenu I da se I na taj nacin “istaknu”. Neki nose I odredjene bedzeve, da ne bude zabune.
Cesto se pitam kako objasniti deci zbog cega su ti “ratnici duginih boja” ponosni I sta bi bilo kada bi sva deca, pod uticajem tolike propaganda, zazelela da budu “ponosna”.